A Mystical Life

Excerpt from my Journal this week

“my experience has shifted once again, I feel like I am experiencing life like a prism/kaleidoscope or carousel, It’s hard to put into words. I am here now in this moment but I am also experiencing moments in my past and my future, as well as past lives.


It’s like this a bit – I am the white light, my experience now, the sum of all the colours. Each colour is a timeline experience


As I write this I am also writing in another time, with a quill, my thoughts feel unified.

These are simultaneous experiences of the past present and future, this life time and others – I guess this is unity.

These different timeline experiences fade in and out of focus but are all relevant to NOW.

Time is indeed experienced very differently these past few weeks.

I love how each week brings a new understanding and a new experience each building and expanding on the last. For the past year I have had so many eureka moments of oh this is unity but as always is just the next step into a deeper understanding and experience.”

Life is truly magical and awesome with each day containing moments of growth and expansion.

I am as much an eager student today as I was 20 odd years ago when I first began my journey of self discovery which turned out to be a journey to the centre of the universe and beyond. Each new level of understanding helps me in my practical world too.

As I accept it into my energy system, allow my consciousness to expand, this new wisdom permeates throughout me, my energy and my reality, shifting everything into a new arena ready for the next level to be built.

It’s a new dawn
It’s a new day
It’s a new life
For me
And I’m feeling good

Have a wonderful weekend all

Love and Laughter Michele xxxx

Songs for the day!


Fabulous walk and meditation down the beach today. Walking along the shore before my meditation I sang Two of Miss SImones Songs at the top of my lungs (the beach seriously is the only place I can do this, for the protection of others, In my mind I sound just like her though hahahah)

Anyway they perfectly represent the experience of living in a duality and the experience of living in Unity. Really let yourself go with each song, connect into the rhythm the lyrics and their meaning, really let yourself go!

The first Please don’t let me be misunderstood….it is one of the biggest hurts we all carry. This for me represents living and experiencing a duality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ckv6-yhnIY

Baby, do you understand me now?
Sometimes I feel a little mad
But don’t you know that no one alive can always be an angel
When things go wrong I feel real bad.

I’m just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don’t let me be misunderstood

Baby, sometimes I’m so carefree
With a joy that’s hard to hide
And sometimes it seems that, all I have to do is worry
And then you’re bound to see my other side

I’m just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don’t let me be misunderstood

If I seem edgy, I want you to know,
That I never mean to take it out on you
Life has its problems, and I get my share,
And that’s one thing I never mean to do

Cause I love you,

Oh, oh, oh, baby – don’t you know I’m human
I have thoughts like any other one
Sometimes I find myself, Lord, regretting
Some foolish thing, some little simple thing I’ve done

I’m just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don’t let me be misunderstood
Yes, I’m just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don’t let me be misunderstood
Yes, I’m just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don’t let me be misunderstood

Yes, I’m just a soul whose intentions are good

The Second https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5Y11hwjMNs

Feeling Good, this is Unity and NOW it really is a new world and it’s time to see that a move consciously into the new xxxxxxx

Birds flying high you know how I feel
Sun in the sky you know how I feel
Breeze driftin’ on by you know how I feel

It’s a new dawn
It’s a new day
It’s a new life
For me
And I’m feeling good

Fish in the sea you know how I feel
River running free you know how I feel
Blossom on the tree you know how I feel

Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean, don’t you know
Butterflies all havin’ fun you know what I mean
Sleep in peace when day is done
That’s what I mean

And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
For me

Stars when you shine you know how I feel
Scent of the pine you know how I feel
Oh freedom is mine
And I know how I feel

June 29th 2017 Energy Forecast


conscious awareness

Good Morning I hope that you are well, the veil is thin at the moment and it is easy to communicate with spirit. Meditate today and see if you can feel this. Be guided by any messages that you get, it is time to follow your intuition, it won’t lead you down a rabbit hole but it may show you something about your situation that you previously could not understand.


The energy as we move into the weekend is all about getting you to see the bigger picture, to get an elevated view of an issue that you are dealing with. Once you get this insight it is time to do something about it.


We all have some choices to make at the moment, do you want to stay in duality or move into unity, if you don’t make that choice conscious and back it up with action then by default you are choosing to remain in duality. That is fine as that is your choice and we all have free will, just make it conscious that this is what you are choosing. Get to know the conditions of your duality and accept them as it will make life easier. The internet is full of people in the pendulum swing of relationships, careers and just general life, good time to bad. Once you understand that these are the conditions of duality and it just is then you no longer need cry why is this happening to me, as you will know why.


The energy of integrity and honesty are ever present as always and it is important to reflect on our actions and develop that detached observer within that is able to maintain the pause between event and response. It is the spaces in between that hold all the information and magic.


I feel there is going to be an energetic spring clean coming in, as though you will have so many aspects of your life presented to you as you are asked, “keep, bin or donate” Take some time with this, as what you release needs to go with love and gratitude and quite often forgiveness.


Get out into nature and hug a tree, greet a crow, hug a dog, whatever floats your boat, connect and commune with something other than another human and feel it. Take note of how you feel, tap into that interconnectivity and really experience it!


Consider meditating every day, you can do this as walking or open eyed meditation and I have plenty of free meditations on my website. This is important as it helps you sort the events of the day, releasing all that no longer serves you. It helps you maintain your own energy and to be able to distinguish what is yours and what are other peoples. This is going to be very important as we move forward. Much will be occurring at a global level and this will generate a lot of fear and anger. You need to know your own energy to avoid getting caught up in this. Start now it will be much easier.


The Aloe Vera energy is around too as is as ever present as Honesty and Integrity so tap into this to help you.


Have a wonderful day, lots of love and laughter Michele xxxxxx


#energyforecast #energyreport #juneenergy #integrity #globalenergy

An Outstanding 8-week Course on Personal and Spiritual Development with Michele Elizabeth

I love this review and am so moved by the development and transformational journey that Vicky has started. I love my world and what I get to do, it is the best feeling in the world.

The next Online development course will start in a couple of weeks so please check out http://www.micheleelizabeth.co.uk for more info or give me a shout xxxx

The Page Turner

I consider myself a phase one graduate today. I have completed the most ambitious and self-valuing experience of my life.  What did I learn?  I am going to try to share just a portion of the gifts I gained over the 8 weeks. The great part, I get to continue training and growing.

First, let me introduce you to Michele Elizabeth Life Coach and Mystic.

Michele Elizabeth

Having worked for herself and run many successful businesses since the age of 20, Michele also put herself through University and earned a BSc (Hons) in Psychology with The OU.


Growing up Michele always thought that she would be a Journalist until life changed her path and she began questioning her own thoughts and emotions and so began her journey of self- discovery.


Michele was born able to sense the energy of others, causing a great deal of confusion growing up but she…

View original post 1,031 more words

June 28th 2017 Energy Forecast



Good Morning I hope you are well, so the energy at the moment is rather wonderful, it is empowering yet still, energising yet quiet, familiar yet new.


Are you getting that feeling of something changing or shifting but you can’t quite put your finger on what it is and you can’t verbalise it? Well that is the energy structure shifting. It has been going on for some time and we have had some huge restructuring going on since Easter so you should all begin to feel it.


The energy at the moment is very much about reflection and the memories that are coming forward are very real, immediate and seemingly random, however they are not let the dots join in your mind and then do something about it. These are amazing signs for us to see what is ready for release but first we have to recognise the patterns and bring it all into our conscious awareness. From awareness to action completes the cycle.


We also have some home making energy coming in, you may feel the need to stay home and nest and that is ok for now, there are changes going on within you at a level you may not understand so take it easy, do what you feel you need to do.


At the moment the planet is getting a glimpse of what it is like to span the two worlds, your soul is being shown a sneak preview, bring this into your awareness as we all have a choice to make, what are going to do? This is all about our move from duality to unity and to make this move you have to bring it into your awareness, it will not happen to you, we all have to make a conscious choice.


Don’t fret however all the energy around supports us in this choice, so really tap into this energy and follow its lead. Get into your heart and see what you can see. Do my heart truths meditation on my website and use those mediations, visualisations and the info video’s, they are all free and are here to help you www.micheleelizabeth.co.uk/free-stuff


We have another gateway mid September , where once again you will be given the opportunity to end cycles and bring in a new way, a higher vibrational way.


So a little question to get you pondering and reflecting, how much have you changed since December 2016? How can you see you are creating your life? How are you making your dreams come true? Which cycles did you end?


I also see a beautiful yellow energy and in fact it is being shown to me as Tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree, which I am taking to mean it’s time for us to come home. It is time for us to bring back our troops and our brothers and sisters who are away from home. No guilt or recrimination just the open hearts of family. We are a global family, regardless of politics and religion, family transcends that. So just for a moment close your eyes and imagine every single one of us reaching out and holding hands. United we stand…One Love!


So enjoy this enjoy, go where it leads, begin to join the dots and recognise the patterns and shifts within in. The time is now, so let’s all step up together.


Lots of love and laughter Michele xxxxxx


#spirituality #energyforecast #inittogether #energyshifts #vibrationalshifts #junenergy #globalenergy

June 27th 2017 Energy Forecast

believe you can


Good Morning I hope that you are well, the energy this morning is empowering and starting to pick up in intensity. Do you feel the desire to push forward and make changes in your life? This is going to continue for some time. Let this energy shake you up so that you move into action.


What is it that keeps coming into your mind, something to let go of or move towards, whatever it is let it inspire and motivate you. Just do something. If you feel frozen with fear or indecision, then do my fear and anxiety meditation, remind yourself that it isn’t real and let it go.


I keep hearing the phrase you have to believe in something or you will fall for anything! Time to believe in yourself, no matter what your doubts are face them, look  that ego straight in the eye that tells you that you can’t, you shouldn’t, you are not worthy or the world will stop spinning if you do and tell another story to yourself. One of empowerment, of love and compassion of inner strength and then believe in yourself over and above everyone and everything.


I feel the energy of passion too, as we head towards the end of the week we are all going to be gripped by a force to make changes and to stand by our own truths.


I get the sign of aloe vera too so there will be healing and soothing available which is always needed with this transformative energy. Sometimes our habits and conditioning are so entrenched that when it is time to release it can feel like a wrench and leave us feeling sensitive and vulnerable. So feel into this energy, go into nature, heal in the shower, do whatever you need to and don’t push yourself at these times.


Keep yourself fully grounded at the moment as this energy can make you go off at a tangent and if you are not fully aware of yourself and your actions it make take you somewhere you don’t want to go. For example being empowered and speaking your truth is great however with this energy you could take it too far and begin lecturing or preaching which is very different, know when to draw the line, when you are being responsive and when you are being reactionary.


So make some plans or lists to keep yourself on track but at the same time keep these loose, they are to give you a little bit of structure but should not be restrictive, they are just a baseline, let everything else flow.


Have a wonderful day, lots of love and laughter Michele xxxxxx


#energyreport #energyforecast #energy #globalenergy #enlightenment #ascension #seizetheday

Personal & Spiritual Development, Online Course a great success!

Be part of the Transformation, next course starts in a few weeks


so how do you create the life of your dreams


So my first Online Personal Development Course has come to an end, although I will continue to walk with my students as long as they need me, as there is always so much more.

This is a message I just received and the reason I do what I do.

” I have been gaining so much enlightenment from this I am going to miss the weekly journey. I am so much stronger and more balanced than I was at the beginning. It is powerful, I have much to go and I plan on continuing. Thank you so very much for this weekly course. I will keep replaying as I need. They are brilliant for my soul, my heart, and my head. I appreciate every video and my reading. Oh, I got so much out of that. Thank you, Michele Elizabeth!”

Be part of this….the next course starts in a couple of weeks.

What I teach you will stay with you for life and truly has the power to transform. I don’t do it for you, I teach you how to do it for yourself……I love love love this!

Please get in touch for more info, or go to http://www.micheleelizabeth.co.uk/processing-course

This would be the best investment you ever made!

Love and laughter Michele xxxxx

June 26th 2017 Energy Forecast



Good Morning I hope that you are well and had a constructive weekend. There is so much going on at the moment sometimes it can make your head spin, so ensure that you take time to rest and to ground.


We are going to have some moment of reflection this week as I see this energy coming in in swirls, so they will come out of the blue, memories and recollections will spring forth in your mind. They may be tinged with nostalgia but look at them as they are coming to us now to join the dots, to become aware of patterns we keep repeating and to release.


We are all only trapped in a prison of our own making, we have more power than to just redesign our prison cell, we can tear down the walls, this week will bring clarity on so many of your blocks but you have to be willing to see them.


Courage faith and hope are coming in by the bucket load and we also have some soothing healing energy. So much change can leave us sensitive and irritated, so just take some time out. Just know that nothing will overwhelm us, we are resilient and strong, stronger than we could ever imagine yet not what we are led to believe.  We so often don’t understand our own strength until we are tested but things are changing so let’s recognise this in us before we need to be tested.


We are half way through the year of us, so take some time to reflect on whether things have changed for you or not. Look at all aspects, your physical self and your environment, your emotional and mental bodies and your spiritual connection and knowing, how much has changed, how much have you grown? We are hugely supported this year but we have free will so whether we push forward and become seekers or fall back and keep everything the same that is our choice but please make it a conscious one as no matter what it will change your path.


Next year will be a very different year to this one, so ensure that you take full advantage of these energies and be in the best place possible to push forward in 2018.


We have had life time after lifetime to learn and transcend the conditions of duality and we have gotten used to this but this lifetime is different, this one has the conditions for ascension into unity but we all have free will so that is a choice, what are you going to choose?


Spirits are also very close and this is going to continue for some time can you feel and hear them?


I can see a beautiful emerald green energy, like a shiny ribbon, I am not sure what it is but it seems to be dancing, I feel loyalty and faith but that is not it exactly, maybe it will make itself clear over the next few days.


This is going to be a good week, with healing, inspiration, reflection, release and the opportunities to move forward keep this in mind when you have the opportunity to choose a different way, to break out of your prison cell rather than re-decorate. Your free will and conscious awareness will dictate what you do with these opportunities? How you are likely to respond can be seen in your actions so far this year, so take a look at that.


Next week we have some rather intense action energy coming in and everything is going to speed up for a bit, this is a strong red energy and comes in like a tornado. It is needed to kick start action, everyone has been conditioned into becoming pretty passive, thought and emotion rarely followed by action which actually achieves very little.


Enjoy your day and your week, I would love to hear your experiences and if you have any questions please ask them,  we are all in this together.


Talking of which I have been working hard creating some awesome courses for you, that will help you push forward on your paths with clarity and the tools you need to help you on your way.

So far I have created  Learn to Read Tarot, Complete Meditation with 16 Meditations, Personal & Spiritual Development, next course starting in a couple of weeks. I am in the process of creating Conscious Living online Course. In a nutshell each course is designed to teach you the tools you need, to broaden your awareness and develop your innate connection to spirit that will guide you down the path of enlightenment, into Unity. I am so proud and excited by each of them as I know they are transformational. I would be so happy if you could share my courses when I post them.


You really can create the life of your dreams and live a blissful life.


Lots of love and laughter Michele xxxxxxxx


#energyforecast #globalenergy #enlightenment #ascension #unity #developmentcourses #spiritualandpersonaldevelopment #juneenergyforecast

Hilarious Spirit has joined the household

So a new spirit has come to visit and they are hilarious.


Spirits come and go, some are just passing and some hangout for a bit. Some are related to me and others are strangers.

This one though is making me cry with laughter.


So I was writing an article about monogamy, something I believe to be unrealistic, although I do not believe in infidelity and have never cheated, I also find the concept of one person for life a little odd.


As I am writing this new spirit pops up….” different dudes for different moods man” That tickled me


The other day they just randomly said…”oh I love a packet of salt and vinegar, that’ll draw your arse up to your elbow that will”


Love it, Life is a scream


Love and laughter Michele xxxxx