This intense energy is all about Alignment

The energy hitting us right now is pretty intense and is certainly shaking things up a bit so bear this in mind and make sure you have time out if you start to feel the pressure. The last thing you want to do is say or do something you later regret.

It may leave you feeling, sad, angry and anxious, so take some time to deal with this, you may feel others are irritating or upsetting you but this is your stuff not theirs.

This is a year of alignment and a lot of the energy we have coming in at the moment is to help you with this and this is not always comfortable.

We lie to ourselves a lot, we tell ourselves we are ok when we are not, we say that life is ok when really we are just getting by, we justify our inaction in a multitude of ways. We believe that this is just part of what it means to be human, we settle, we put with things we shouldn’t and stay swinging on the pendulum of good times to bad.

However, I don’t see it as part of being human but rather as being a condition of the duality paradigm. A paradigm we are leaving, if we chose to that is. The unity paradigm is here and to reach it we need to come into alignment. Hence all the energy we are experiencing this year, the energy is here to help us, to give us the optimum conditions for us to see and experience how out of alignment we are and to take steps to rectify this. 

When we push these feelings away or direct our focus outwards, then we are allowing these opportunities for growth and alignment to pass us by. We have been conditioned to focus on the positives, to see feelings of discomfort as a bad thing, when in reality when we feel down, angry, frustrated or disappointed, we are being given a really positive and rewarding sign. We are being shown, look here, you are out of balance here, your unconscious is telling you something about you. When we grab these opportunities and take the time to sit with these feelings, to find out where they are coming from and to process them, we then experience true growth.

It just takes a perspective shift and you will be well on your way. Become the intrepid explorer of your own self, discover your soul and the path you are walking. 

So how do you start?

You start mentally, so when something you perceive as negative happens in your life, stop before you spiral down emotionally and mentally and become an observer. Step back and make a conscious choice, you can either see this an effect, what is happening in your life right now is a symptom not the cause. The real cause is an imbalance within you, somewhere you are out of alignment and you are prepared to explore further and find out what that imbalance is. Or you can choose to perceive that this is happening to you and you can either run away or fight (fight or flight) or you can be a Victim or a Hero ( Conditioned Role Play) From this point of view, life happens to you are an actor on the stage.

So those are the first choices you have to make, what is your perspective going to be? This will change what happens next. 

As conditioned duality beings, our seemingly natural response is to be at the mercy of our emotions and go where they lead. But this is always a route to no where, its just taking another spin on the merry go round.

So once you have your intrepid explorer hat on you can start to ask yourself the big questions; why has this upset me so? What is that I am upset about? Am I guilty of the behaviour that is offending me right now? 

The next step is to really get in there with some hardcore processing so that you can bypass the ego and follow your pain to the core, bringing it into the light for recognition, healing and release. For those who have taken Unlock the Potential of You – get processing, you have the tools make sure you use them for maximum benefit at the equinox.

When you take this journey you will see things that are not always nice or comfortable but it is the only way to achieve balance. Everything has to come out into the light so that we can create balance and ensure only that which we are in alignment with stays in our life.

We live in a world when the symptoms are treated but rarely the cause, this ensures that we have a life long servitude to whatever drug or regime we “need” or it means that we have to sacrifice parts of life as we tolerate and live with our symptoms. This is true on all levels, its all about the surface quick fix.

The energy we have around at the moment is pushing you to see below the surface, to see all sides of you, aiding you to come into alignment with your soul. It may not be comfortable but it is beautiful and it is the only way to Unity.

Work with the energy it is here to aid you and lead you to the transformation of the equinox.

Have a fabulous day and don’t forget to breathe.

Love and laughter Michele 

Making Plans and Preparing for the Equinox

Making Plans and Preparing for the Equinox – Be flexible and be ok with changing your mind!

When setting goals and pursuing them it is important that you are flexible and prepared to change course or direction. You don’t want to be so focused and fixed on one particular outcome or route there that you cut yourself off from your true path.

Remember the mindset and perspective you have when you first set your goals and dreams is not the same mindset you will have when you reach them. 

The path to your goals is a learning journey, it is not simply the route to your goal, it is preparation period, a time when you get all your ducks in a row, when you become aligned with your goal. This changes you, it widens your conscious awareness and broadens your perspective on life, yourself and the world.

So as you take this journey you will find that your needs and desires change, what you thought was important will begin to shift and you will find your goals begin to change. You may get opportunities that come up completely from left field, that seem to be steering you away from your goals, taking you down a completely different and unexpected road but maybe these are your true dreams, the ones you didn’t even know you had.

As we learn more about ourselves we discover passions we didn’t know we had, skills and aptitudes that take us by surprise, all of these things lead us to our life’s purpose.

Changing your mind, going down a different path or even turning back does not mean that you were wrong in the first place, that you made a mistake, not at all. It is all part of your journey getting you where you need to go even if you don’t consciously realise it at the time.

Often we need to take what seems like the wrong path in order to learn the lessons, skill or broaden our mindset and experience so that we can see our true path and life purpose and we will not be able to see this path until these lessons are learned. 

Although your end goal may change it is still vital that you believe in this goal and start to take steps towards it because it is only when you are actively walking your path that the opportunities will arise. You will never grow sitting at home planning. How do you know what you want from this world when you have not experienced what this world has to offer? It is only by getting out there, that you begin to learn more about yourself  and the world.

The key is being flexible whilst still maintaining focus and not being afraid to be “wrong” and change your mind. One of the biggest problems most people have with fulfilling the dreams and purpose is they are afraid what other people think if they change their minds. So they stick rigidly to the original plan , which rarely ends well.

So just remember that what you think is your goal now may change as you do, there are lessons to be learned along the way that will open new doors of opportunity and you have free will so these are your crossroad points, You can explore the new or stick to the plan. The choice is always yours and if you don’t make that decision consciously then you will unconsciously but either way you will make a choice. This is why we often feel that life happens to us, because we allow our unconscious to make the decisions for us but being more self aware and consciously aware in each moment we can make those decisions conscious. 

That is when you start to see that you are the creator in your world, you will see those direct connections between the choices you make and the physical manifestation in your world. When you unconsciously make choices you will never make those connections because that information is just not available to you because it is unconscious.

I hope you have been thinking about your dreams and goals and getting a list together over the weekend as this week we will be working with those lists.

All of the videos and posts that are about the equinox hothousing have a tag so you can use that to group them together.

I will be back tomorrow with a short live video and maybe a meditation for visualising your goals and dreams, let’s take that next step.

Tomorrows live feed with be at 12 noon GMT

Have a fabulous evening 

Love and laughter Michele 

Choose to rock a high vibe at all times and get your super hero pants on

We remember those big moments when things changed, we even say such things as oh wow if I hadn’t taken that bus at the last moment we would never have met. We marvel at how random events get us where we need to be for great things to happen.

But what we tend to miss is these things didn’t just happen to us, we made a choice, a decision to act in one way or another. It was us, we did it, we may not be conscious of these choices but that doesn’t mean they weren’t made.

Think about how the butterfly affect and also how things have a tendency to spiral or escalate, setting into motion a sequence of events like dominos falling. When we find ourselves in a fabulous or tricky situation it is not just the result of one decision but a whole series of them.

We can see this in the bigger picture but don’t realise that is the same for every moment in our lives, we are constantly making tiny decisions which then impacts how the rest of the day flows and the opportunities or drama that are presented to us.

Cast your mind back to a time you may have woken up on the wrong side of the bed and you went on to have a day full of drama and conflict further confirming that life is rubbish. Then think how different that day may have gone if you had done something to shake off that mood when you first got up. Rather than sitting in your bad mood feeding it with FB or News fodder, you went for a walk, did some yoga, meditated or just sat in the garden listening to the birds and enjoying your coffee.

Think about whether that day of drama was destined or did you create it? It is not what people do to us that creates our bad day it is the attitude we bring to the party. If you weren’t already in a bad mood, would Clint the office clown have bothered you? On a happier day would the old lady driving slowly in front you illicit such feelings of rage you wished harm upon the poor woman?

Bad moods can be seductive and easy to stay in but that is a choice we make, we can lift our mood and this is easier than you think, especially if you think about it in terms of energy and your vibrational rate.

A low vibrational dense energy will make you feel low dense emotions, depression, anger, anxiety, lethargy and so on. Your energy in these states vibrates at a very low rate.

By raising your vibrational rate you will shift your emotions in an upward direction too, moving from anger, to irritation, to annoyance, to a bit of a nothingness, to amusement, to happiness to joy.

And it is easy to get those vibrations vibing higher, Dance with abandon, sing like you have no neighbours, watch something funny, talk with your favourite person, hug your dog, hug a person, do something for someone else, share, eat something nutritious, get out in nature, meditate, be grateful and count your blessings, let yourself go. Whatever floats your boat do it!

You deserve to be happy and have easy calm carefree days filled with joy and that starts by being aware of your vibrational state, taking responsibility for it and then doing something about it. The first step is always the hardest as when you are in that low vibrational state the last thing you want to do is well frankly any of the things I have suggested, you just want to stick two fingers up to the world and go back to bed and if you can’t do that then everyone had better just stay out of your way, I know I have been there. 

However kicking your grump to the curb will significantly improve your day and everyone else’s haha.

I am chair dancing right now and pretending the key board is piano keyboard, I am also wearing wonder woman pants, now that floats my boat and my vibrations are pretty high right now, I am a wonder woman rockstar writer at this moment and loving it.

Find your weird and your freaky and rock it, only you know what makes you truly laugh and feel fab, you might surprise yourself. I mean who knew velcro would make me feel so happy.

Start making some conscious choices and doing things to keep your vibrations high, life is so much easier and more fun when your vibes are….1 minute break for some arm raising chair dancing…high.

Go where your weird and freaky takes and embrace life like a wild woman/man!

Love and laughter Michele 

February Full Moon – We are reaping what we have sown.

Whoop whoop we have some fabulous full moon energy around and it is feeling good. 2019 is definitely a more aligned year than 2018, can you feel it? The energy is strong and supportive, sure and courageous, it feels bold like a lightening strike yet calm and expected.

Your ability to visualise your dreams and manifest your goals is high at the moment if you just have the courage to believe and act.  The plans that you set in motion in January are coming to fruition now or at the least you will be receiving strong signs that you are on the right path. Are you ready to listen, to see what the universe is shouting at you?

Now is the perfect time to find the strength to believe in yourself, to believe what you know to be true, you know there is more to you and more to this life and world. You know that you see messages or guidance and you know that there is something inside calling you or steering you in a certain direction, you know all of this, I know you do because you wouldn’t be reading this post if you were so closed off to your inner knowing. I also know that you are afraid to take that leap of faith in yourself, to believe that you were right or it maybe fear that if you take that leap you will find out that you were wrong all along, that you don’t have this inner knowing that you have been kidding yourself.

I know this because I had all those fears too, but I got sick of the cycle of certainty followed by doubt and just went all in, I either commit fully and believe or I walk away. Once I believed everything went to another level especially my ability to manifest but also my healing, psychic abilities and all round happiness. Once you believe that who you suspect is you, really is who you are, that you have “magical powers” your world will expand in ways you couldn’t imagine.

The energy of this full moon will help you more than ever step into your belief and into your power, it is time to claim what is yours, what is you.

If you have been reflecting and are starting to see what has led you here, you will feel the power in you rising, this isn’t power from outside of you, no one has bestowed it upon you it is who you truly are.

This energy will help you feel more aligned with your soul and how that shows up in your physical world is becoming more immediate, opportunities will be springing up all over the place and you will be able to see how you set this in motion back in January. You did this, you are creating the changes that are happening right now and if this is less than comfortable look for the lessons you may have missed or the opportunities that passed you by.

Remember when a lesson is first presented to us it comes as a whisper, an inner knowing, then it becomes a niggle, then a problem and if we continue to ignore it then we get a ten tonne truck barrelling through our front door so we have no choice but to face it.

This energy of the full moon will tap into your strength courage and knowing, so take a moment to really feel into this and then be empowered and go and take care of business.

It is also perfect to take some time to have gratitude for all the blessings that have come into your life this year, all the changes and possibilities yet to come, you did this and it is just the beginning!

Have a fabulous full moon, 

Don’t forget to check out and Reaching Unity Group here on facebook, I recorded a Handing back your Childs path visualisation yesterday which is hugely effective and something I have used for myself and with clients for many years. There are also lots of videos there about your relationships, your own development , psychic abilities and so on, and if you have any questions or any topics you would like me to cover then send me a message or comment on a post!

I am also taking bookings for readings this week, these are in depth readings specific to you, there is nothing general about them and will always inspire and empower. Book now as I only have a couple of spaces

The soul path, tarot, reaching unity combination readings are rather special!

Love and Laughter Michele 

Equality as a Unity Energy

Excerpt from Reaching Unity Card Equality, part of the Unity Tool Kit Range

“It is important to treat everyone equally and to see everyone as an equal regardless of their circumstance or their own ideology, underneath our conditioning, socialisation and upbringing we are all pure souls, struggling with the same core issues, all of us are trying to find our place in world, to feel accepted and worthy with a sense of belonging.

We wish to be seen as equal and that has to start with us seeing everyone else as equal, we are all one, and everyone including ourselves deserves to be treated with integrity and compassion.”

The featured painting was created using the Unity Energy of Unity, look at the picture with relaxed eyes and allow the energy of equality to wash over you

Start Your Days Off Strong

February Reminder to Start 2019 off Strong and turn your negatives into Positives.

How many days in 2018 did wake up with no energy or enthusiasm, feeling down and sluggish all day with no real explanation?

Just by adding a few simple techniques into your daily routine yo​​u can banish those down days for good!

3 Hacks to get you​​ started – Click the learn more button for the full descriptions and to download your free Top Ten Tips For Positive Thinking.

1. Start Off Your Day Strong

Your day’s effectiveness is normally determined in the first few morning hours. If you start checking the Facebook newsfeed and email when you get out of bed, you will start to drift down to the unknown.

 Front load your morning with an activity that will give you a positive mental focus. A brief brainstorming or workout session will help in keeping you right on track.

2. Take Control of What Goes In Your Head  

It is important to be super vigilant​ about what you are reading, watching and listening to, you may be surprised at how negative most of it is and the effect it has on your mood and mindset. Ensure that you are putting positive things into your mind, or at the very least start and end the day on a positive note.

If you fall asleep to a programme such as criminal minds this will affect your sleep which will impact how you feel the following day.

3. Practice Gratitude

Recall what you are grateful for time and time again. Focus on the positive things that life has to offer as opposed to its negatives.

Now this is not always easy but  keep trying, after a few weeks it will be easier and almost automatic.

You have choices, you are not at the mercy of your own life and other people, you have the power to say how your day is going to play out and that starts with you reflecting, taking responsibility for your own happiness, believing you have the power to do this and then making small and sustainable steps.

You’ve got this, 2019 is your year!

You know the truth within you and now is the time to start acting on this.

Good Morning and I hope that everyone is well. The energy around at the moment is very empowering and rather uncompromising. It is energy that helps us cut through all the bull to see clearly, to see the bigger picture, to become aware of the repeating patterns and to stop them in their tracks. This also applies to others, often we get caught in the loop of others drama, it can be time consuming and draining, however the energy around at the moment helps you to get off that merry-go-round. The realisation that is their loop not yours and you can chose to walk away, breaking that cycle for you.

These really are awe inspiring times, to watch people seeing their lives with clarity rather than hiding behind their own projected justifications is beautiful, seeing this truth has been building for the last 10 years or so, increasing significantly over the last 3-4 but it would often lead to frustration, disappointment and sometimes despondency. We could see the truth behind the smoke and mirrors, we would see ourselves clearly for the first time but then not know what to do about it, or to feel powerless or stuck. 

We have also been through moments where we have felt inspired or empowered but we have not really known what to do with it, we have felt rather directionless, we would feel like we needed to stand up and be counted but for what? 

The energy we have around us at the moment brings those two into harmony. We can see clearly and we have the motivation and empowerment to do something about it, to make those changes, to grab your life with both hands and make the changes you need to live a blissful life.

Have you noticed how things are falling into place as if by fate, life is becoming easier and more flowing. This is a time for reaping your rewards, if you are struggling then look within it is the only place you will find answers, what are you blocking, what are you resisting that needs to come to the light, how does this negativity or restriction suit or serve you.

If you have persistent issues in your life then YOU are keeping them there and there must be a reason for this, it must be serving your needs, so work out what those are, accept balance and release. These things don’t just happen TO you, you are not unlucky, you are actually incredibly powerful and YOU are creating this!

If you are waiting for something to happen you will be waiting your whole life.

The energy around does not support any kind of deceit, even if the lies are to yourself.

This is your moment, this is a time when all your hard work pays off, everything is coming together for you, so accept and embrace that, yes it may bring about big changes and this may scare you but everything is falling into place for you so trust that everything is exactly where it should be.

I cannot convey adequately how empowering this energy is at the moment and it is clean, pure and vibrant and it is all around us, we can easily pull this in whenever we need it. So if you feel you need an extra boost, visualise that energy as a coloured smoke and draw it into you.

You can all sense energy and you can all play with it and use it, with all this clarity around use this to see how fundamentally the world has changed, we are not in Kansas anymore and once you integrate that fact within then you can embrace the changes and understand how easy it is and how supported we are in creating our own blissful reality

We are all creating and we are also sharing and unifying our creations, so the world despite surface appearances is an awesome and miraculous place. Our infinite capacity for love is what will unite us all and move us firmly into the new paradigm. Happy Days, have as wonderful weekend 

Love and Laughter Michele xxxxxx

We can all manifest easier than we think!

I came across this article written a few years ago and I felt it was relevant for today so worth a repost, M

I hope that everyone is well as we come out of the full moon energy, wow that was intense energy. Brought about lots of changes within and brought old and deep issues up to the surface. You may have found yourself being triggered to act in ways that were long ago discarded or forgotten. There were some deep and fundamental shifts that occurred within and many revelations about our true selves. How much you got out of this will be based on how much you processed these triggers, whatever form your processing may take. 

The goal is to release this negative energy from your system, this makes you a clearer vessel which enables you to feel and interact with the energy around, the energy that connects us all with everything, the energy that we are, the energy that is our reality.

At the moment manifestation is quite quick and easy, so firstly attend to what you are focusing on, check that you are not all about the negatives. You may be a lovely kind decent and honest person but if you are always talking about the negatives in your life or you moan a lot then you are attracting negative energy, even if you really want the positives. Moaning and grumbling is habitual and we are not aware that we are doing it most of the time, so become more conscious of yourself. Become aware of the affect your energy has on others, do you lift them and leave them happy and smiling, or are they drained and yawning. If you find yourself about to share something that has gone wrong, stop and see if you can replace it with something that went well or is good.

So focus on the positives and process, be aware that you are manifesting your life daily, in every moment. We laugh about this at work, as they all see it happen daily, they are all believers now. Believers in the power of intention, believers in themselves.

I think that is the thing when you have witnessed it a few times, you begin to believe and once you believe you can make it happen.

At work I will come out of my office and say I need a certain delivery of stock, when is it coming in? Within half an hour it would come in, this happens daily . A few days ago we were due a delivery and they said it wouldn’t be in till the following day, there was nothing they could do. When I was told the news I stated that is not acceptable I need the delivery today, it will be here as planned. An hour later it turned up. The haulage company were a bit confused.

 I will mention a customer I hadn’t spoken to in a while and I wanted to call them, that day they will ring or pop in.

When I got my car, they told me it would take 12 weeks to come in I told them I wanted it in 5 weeks for my birthday, they told me that was impossible, the car was still at the factory. I said OK but I think I will get it in 5 weeks as nothing is impossible and I am going away that weekend so having the car would be fab. I got the car the day after my birthday.

These are just a few examples of concrete manifestations that happen so regularly that it isn’t chance or luck and I am sure that you all have lots of these examples too. We can all do this and we are all doing this, the only thing that may makes me seem a little different to some of you is that I am aware I am doing it as I believe it. That is all it takes just become aware of what you are doing.

The key I find to manifestation is staying neutral and balanced. I am not angry or in a state of panic when I am let down on deliveries, I am not desperate for that car, I know that I can create this situation to go however I want. I create my reality, I am part of everything in my reality, so I create how this plays out.

If an event occurs that cannot be changed one way then shift your perspective, for example, at work if a delivery doesn’t come in and I am unable to change that, say I am out and don’t find out till later all is not lost, as I turn my focus then to the customers, creating my intention that they are ok with the shortages and happily take a replacement or that another solution may present itself in the morning. 

Bring your attention to what you want to create, state it, visualise it, believe it! Don’t attach any ifs or buts to it. Don’t concern yourself with how or when. Keep it very simple! Then be consciously aware of what is going on in your life, see what you are manifesting because you are whether you believe that or not. Remember we manifest the negative and the positive, so whatever is your main focus that is what you will create.

Play around with it, see what you can create because once you do, you can’t help but believe and then it just gets stronger and easier. So stay positive and be aware and have some fun, love and laughter Michele xxx

Your Psychic Connection is stronger than you think

Your psychic connection is high so now is a great time to channel this and develop it further.

We all have this psychic connection and you know this on some level but we are not encouraged to explore it, believe or trust in it. We feel embarrassed to talk about it or even suggest that we may have this “special” ability. 

What we see as psychic abilities are just another sense, it is an awareness of our connection to all things and it is this awareness that we develop.
When you focus on your spiritual/psychic connection you are seeing hearing smelling tasting knowing and experiencing things that go beyond our 3D Senses.

Because of the superconnection, we all have at this time I am offering the Learn to Read Tarot Course at the Super Price of £9.99.

For more info and to buy your Learn to Read Tarot Course Click the Link Below

I hope you give it a go because developing your psychic knowing and connection is an amazing resource to have in your life
M x

What does being successful mean to you?

What does winning and being successful mean to you?

Think about it?

Our mind can leap to being successful in business, rich or famous, winning at the more materialistic side of life, is this where your mind went?

But that is only one small perspective, one mans dream perhaps but we often too quickly push away wanting success because of these reasons as we think it is brash and materialistic.

Yet the point of life is to do it successfully right, whatever that may mean for us, One persons success may be another persons nightmare but that is irrelevant all that matters is what being successful at our own life means for us.

Spend some time with an elderly person, find out from their perspective what they see as the successes and triumphs in their life. What is so important to us in our 20’s feels like mere folly in our 90’s and find out what they would have focused on more, where would they have spent more of their time if they could it all again.

Wanting to be successful in your life is not shallow, selfish or conceited, it shows courage integrity and alignment within ones self. Discovering what will make you and your family happy regardless of whether anyone else understands or approves is transformational.

But first you have to work out what you deem as a success, not what society tells you or the gossip crew on the corner spit, or your parents push but what is important to you, what makes your heart sing?

If you think wanting to be successful is not being humble then you need to look at your definition of success and see if it fits in the first category, then rework that.

There is nothing wrong with being rich and successful if that is your thing, it is important for us all to have an abundance of money love and energy, what you deem is your amount is up to you. 

What you have to discover is this: When you look back on your life in your final weeks, what do you want to be able to look at and say, I lived a good life, I did well, this time round it was a roaring success?

So find out what being successful means to you and then makes some plans and smash those goals, you can do this! You deserve complete success in all you do, you just need to believe it and stop unconsciously pushing it away.