You play an important role in this paradigm shift, it’s time you saw this!

When a few words can be the catalyst that changes a person life….what makes you believe you don’t have those words within you?

What makes you believe that you are insignificant or not worthy?

What makes you feel that every one but you has it all worked out?

You have the power to transform your life and those around you, hell I bet you already do and have – we rarely understand or appreciate the impact we have in the lives of others. We are unaware that we are the hero in someones story, that we are already immortal in the story of their life, when a simple sentence or gesture changed everything for them.

So what makes you think this isn’t you?

The only person you can truly know and understand is yourself, so hold yourself in high esteem, make your personal best a record to beat and celebrate the awesomeness of who you are because trust me, who you are is magical, beautiful, graceful and empowering, I just wish everyone could see what I see, then you would understand why I smile and laugh all the time, why I have faith in you and all humanity and why I see this as a time of transformation and opportunity.

So for today celebrate, your successes, attributes and achievements and know that you have a souls purpose and in 2019 you have the opportunity to consciously live that purpose!

Repeat after me…..I am Fabulous, I chose to be here for a reason and now I step up and into that destiny, with love in my heart, a smile on my lips and music in my feet!

The Energy of 2019 WTF is Going on?

This is a very different year to 2018 and I am sure that not only can you feel it but you are glad. 2018 was tough right and whoa the first full moon of the year kicked most of us to the floor, sticking its long cold fingers into our deepest wounds. So who can blame you for taking a little breather, however it probably wasn’t the rest that you were hoping for.

Do your doubts, fears, insecurities and general anxiety feel like they are back? Do  you feel that there may  be something bad about to happen but you don’t know what, just a general feeling that there is something that you have forgotten to do? 

Maybe you  started the year with such promise and optimism just to feel it fall flat and now you are left wondering whether you got it all wrong. Don’t worry and take a deep breath, the energy this year has been intense on so many levels and you  are going to be feeling this. 

There is a great deal of change happening, on the global and political stage, within your life and also fundamentally at an energy level. The work I am doing globally with my mystic work has changed a lot this year and this a direct reflection of the paradigm shift.

It is hugely exciting and I would love to come back tomorrow live on Facebook and talk to you in more detail about what is happening energetically right now, so if you have any questions or would like this, please drop me a comment or message.

If you look back over your life, pay attention to cycles beginning in 2008 and 2017 you will begin to see patterns and cycles, your journey so far will become clear, as this year and the decade or so that will follow is the point that the last 11 years have been leading to.

Whether you know it or not, this year is going to be a significant year in our history, it will be turning point in everyones lives one way or another, the shifts and changes will start to be difficult to ignore, so please be conscious and discerning about the story you are telling yourself. 

Nothing is the same as it was and you know this, you can feel it deep down and this may be the cause of your anxiety or fear, as change unsettles us all, however these changes are great, they are necessary and they are unavoidable, there is no going back, our course is set, so its time to enjoy the journey.

2018 brought pain, revelations, shifts, endings and new beginnings and 2019 will bring clarity and courage, collaboration and an accelerated expansion of awareness, if that is what you choose but you have to choose it, you have to make it conscious, you have to take action.

2018 stirred your pain and your passion, in 2019 we have to build on this, to nurture the seeds of our dreams, rather than just wishing our life away, time to nurture our gifts and step into our purpose, time to start building the foundations and structures that will lead the way and support those that follow.

Everything shifted for me personally at the December solstice, a time of death and renewal, when all of my work, my path and my training, came into relief and I realised this moment, right here is the manifestation of the dreams I have been having since a child, this is what I have been preparing for, a place that once seemed so far away so distant is my now! You will be having a similar year, if you can’t see this keep looking because it is there.

You chose to be here at this time in history, you have value, something to give or you  wouldn’t be here, please don’t sleep through it, or turn away in disbelief or justification. Look around you, connect, reflect and take action.

This is a year all about honesty integrity and alignment and I have a whole Unity Tool kit to help you get there, this is an important year and how you  end 2019 will be important for the transformations coming in 2020 and beyond.

Please ask any questions, share your journey and become part of the Reaching Unity Community, I am building this for you, so let me know what you want and I will create it.

The Reaching Unity membership site fabulous and I am going back to my old pricing structure, which I will create another post about shortly but in a nutshell, you will pay an amount based on the value the site has for you and I am creating a video tomorrow which  explains how you get into alignment with your price point! 

We will leave no person behind, if they  are willing to help themselves, no matter what it takes but the days of a free lunch and riding on the shirt tails of someone else are over.

Let me know how I can help because the New Paradigm of Unity is a wonder in deed, far surpassing your wildest dreams and if I can point you in the right direction, supply you with your Universal Took Kit and keep you company for a while…..then I am fulfilling my purpose in this life.

Have a fabulous day

Love and Laughter Michele xx

This Super Moon is Packing a Punch

The Super Moon Blood Moon and the final moon in the eclipse season that started in 2017 is here 20/21st January. I am sure you are already feeling its powerful and potent affects.

This moon is also in Leo and we all know how forceful and dynamic this can be. You  may be poked prodded and pushed until you see what you need to see. What is it that you need to let go of? What do you need to change or transform in your life? When is enough enough?

This moon is pulling the fear up from deep within you and shoving it in your face, now is the time to face those fears, to realise that they no longer have power over you, that they are just a construct of your mind.

Feel into the deep courageous energy, the energy that says I would rather stand alone with integrity, knowing and acting on what you believe to be right within your soul rather than going along with the safety of the crowd.

This energy may have made you feel as though you were going a little insane, up and down emotionally, so sure and determined followed by a swift kick to the floor, take some time out with this and see what you are being shown.

I have too have struggled with this energy this month, feeling so clear on the direction of my business only to have my plans shattered as I realised in a sudden eureka moment that was not what I wanted and that maybe my life had been leading to a slightly different path. Now it is good to have things explode in this way and my advice to you is allow the moon phase to pass, allow the energies to settle before you make any rash decisions or changes.

I have a feeling we are all going to awaken mid week with feeling like we have been shipwrecked on a foreign shore but this is a good thing. This is a huge cycle ending and for some this may mean everything you once thought you knew.

I have to admit right here right now in this moment I have absolutely no idea what I want to do when I grow up lol. I have no idea the direction I am taking my services  and my whole life is flashing before my eyes. One thing I do know is that nothing was wrong or wasted, there is a reason for everything and if I don’t know what that is right now and don’t know my direction forward right now, that is because I don’t quite have all the pieces and time will bring that revelation.

It is like we flip our game board up and the air and all we can do is wait to see where the pieces land. There is no point trying to force it or to try and understand and create order, we have to be in this vulnerable state so that we can trust.

Look back to the start of 2017, what was going on for you then, what has been your journey over the last 2 years because whatever that has been it is now coming to culmination, either projects and plans are coming to fruition or wounds have been healed, cycles have ended and it is time to move on.

So up your self care, keep in mind what is going on. If you have taken Unlock the Potential of You process process process, use the forgiveness and gratitude meditation, also the letting go of cycles and any other resource that will help you at this time, there are plenty. If you are struggling you  can always give me a shout or send me a message, sometimes just a quick 5 minute chat with me can help put things into perspective.

So now is the time to get rid of the old once and for all, now is the time you can stand against unreasonable demands made by others, whether personally locally or globally, now is the time we stand up and roar!

Join me at Reaching Unity Group on Facebook, if you can for a Guided Meditation for you to meet whoever is supporting you in spirit and believe me most people have an entourage.

Have a fabulous day

Love and Laughter Michele