The New Year is almost upon us and it is a time of new beginnings, renewal and second chances. For some this starts on the first of January and for others the 22nd December but regardless when these are my tips for getting the most out of this rather special time.

New Year, New Cycle


Look back on the past year and maybe the past 5 or ten, cycles that end sometimes stretch far back into our past.  You will know which ones are ending as you will feel them, they will have been coming upon your face, especially in the last few months, begging for recognition and release.

For example I was recently floored by a memory from early childhood, now the memory I had not blocked but the emotion to that memory I had and last week the two reconnected and bam hit between the eyes, the only thing I could do was feel it and run that gantlet of emotion. Once it was done, I was able to release it and heal, that 40 year old cycle that had been unconsciously affecting me was done and I felt it dissolve. Although I wasn’t consciously aware of this issue I can definitely feel the difference without it.

Think back to this time last  year, did you say the same words you are about to say this year, are you  stuck ground hog year? Be honest with yourself because once you are you can do something about it, denial won’t work in 2019

Let It Go

Cycles naturally come to an end, usually when all the lessons have been learned but we as human beings, we don’t like to let things go, we like to shroud ourselves in our problems issues and miseries, wearing it as a badge of honour, an excuse or protection.  But that is distorted thinking and the route to freedom and success is letting it go and travelling light.

Once you have forgiven, found gratitude, learned your lessons  and let go of the past cycles,  it is time to work out what your dream life looks like, we are all different so take some time to find your dreams

What does your dream look like? 

Where are you, what are doing, who is with you, how does it feel  and so on.

Turn your dreams into goals,

one big one and then lots of little ones that are stepping stones to your final dream life. Then know that you can make this happen!

2019 is a year that great things can happen for you, if that is where your head is at, we all have free will and we all have choices to make and now more than ever those choices count.

2019 a year of choices and responsibility

As I am sure you can see all around you the split that is happening,  the angry and self righteous becoming more so and those working on their own development and responsibility are taking great leaps and bounds.

It seems that either lives are coming together or falling apart,  some people have had the best most awesome 2018 and others the worst. Reflect on this as your experience of 2018 will tell you what you need to do and where you need to look.

2019 is going to be a year action, you really can make this happen, so take your goals and start manifesting your dream life. I have created Reaching Unity Membership Site to help you do just that, so try it out for free for 48 hours and put it to good use – Start 2019 with a leg up.

Have a fabulous day and I would love to hear your plans for 2019.

Love and Laughter Michele x

Having a Hot Bath in the Afternoon Could Help Reduce Your Depression!

How awesome would it be if just having a hot afternoon bath twice a week could lift your depression and mood significantly?

Definitely worth giving it a go, right?
A recent study has shown “Afternoon baths just twice a week produce a moderate but persistent lift to mood”
This is great news, especially as the results are persistent, which means they don’t just last for a few hours after the bath but for a few days.
Why not give it a go? Try it for a month, two would be better and see how you feel, journal your experiences before and after so you can clearly see any changes and improvements.
It is important that you take these hot baths mid-afternoon and they last at least half an hour if you can then lay in warm towels quietly for another 20 minutes even better.

So Why Would This work?

One of the proposed causes for depression is the disruption of a person’s circadian rhythm, this is the physical and biochemical changes that occur within us throughout the day. Which can be clearly seen in our temperature which is at its lowest at night slowly rising to its peak mid-afternoon, as a curve with around a 1-degree temperature differential.
If a person’s circadian rhythm is off they may not be reaching their peak temperature in mid-afternoon and by having a hot bath and raising your body temperature, it is thought this, resets the rhythm, improving your mood and sleep patterns.

Naumann’s Study

In Johannes Naumann’s study at the University of Freiburg, after 8 weeks of having a hot afternoon bath, twice a week, candidates reduced symptoms by around 6 points on a commonly used depression scale, from a starting point of around 21. Those who had been on a comparative exercise treatment lowered their symptoms by around 3 points.
Those are great figures, If you are struggling with depression what would you give to be 25% happier right now?
Nick Stafford, a psychiatrist at the Black Country Partnership NHS Trust, talking about Naumann’s study says;
“This approach makes sense given the what happens to the circadian rhythms in depressions. I’m not surprised they found a benefit I’m just surprised no one has tried doing this before”(New Scientist)
The study was small but the findings encouraging and make common sense, so try it, you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain.
You could make it into a great spa experience and the perfect time to meditate and reflect, some quality you time, all of these things will aid you in your path out of depression.
Enjoy and I wish you all the happiness for 2019