New Energy, New Beginnings – The Real You

Getting into alignment – our journey continues

2019 really is the year that we are all come into alignment with our soul path passion and purpose. We have greater opportunities than ever before to re-connect with our immense inner power, creating and manifesting our dreams.

The equinox last month was an incredible gateway and time of new beginnings and the new moon on Friday really anchors in those new ways and fresh starts. We have had a couple of weeks to work on all the residual issues, revelations and blocks that have been coming up since the equinox and this weekend will be super charged to help us release these and move consciously and purposefully into a fresh rewarding and abundant cycle!

It really is time to let go of the past and anything that you are holding on to is ready for release, you may need to ask yourself why are you fighting it? What value is it holding for you that you won’t let go? 

This new moon energy will bring up in you and show you your rigidity and stubbornness, do you cut off your nose to spite your face, do you go that extra mile just to be right? Do you get moody when you don’t get your own way and are you rather passive aggressive? These traits will come out in you over the next week and although it can be tough to admit these characteristics within you, it is a great time address this and move from your head to your heart.

One of the most significant areas of coming into alignment and especially in the western world is our business or career, what we do for a living. Gone are the days when there is a division or separation between what you do to earn money and who you are, we are moving into unity and as such the opportunities to bring this area of our lives into alignment are super high right now! 

Honesty and Integrity are incredibly important for this process, if you are duplicitous, manipulative or fake then you may find life is a little uncomfortable but this is not a punishment it is so that you can bring your awareness to your imbalances and work on them. 

This energy will also bring bucket loads of determination, you will be surprised at how much work you can achieve this weekend bringing your plans into reality. It is time to take action!

So today ask yourself what is standing in your way professionally? 

Are you ready to move from your head into your heart and step into your life purpose?

If you are fighting life right now, maybe trying to keep everything as it is or you don’t want to look at areas within you that need balancing or addressing then you may find yourself getting rather angry or moody. Other people will be on your last nerve and you may find yourself blowing up or storming off. This is not a time to dig your heals in and hold a grudge.

So if you feel like holding on tightly , take a few deep breaths and let it go!

Reflect on the changes this year but in particular since the equinox, think about your goals in particular those related to work and then connect that with idea that you are taking that first step in your new higher vibrational cycle ….it’s time to do it differently.

The new moon is on Friday so work with the rhythms and fast track your personal development!

Have a  fabulous day

Love and laughter Michele xx

April 29th 2018 Energy Forecast  – Follow the signposts, don’t paint over them!

April 29th 2018 Energy Forecast  – Follow the signposts, don’t paint over them!

Good Morning I hope you are well, the energy is super intense right now and I am sure your sleep patterns may have been affected, this energy should have you leaping out of bed earlier than usual raring to go, if it isn’t then in your morning meditation ask why you may be hiding from something. Let the full moon shine a light on this for you, process it and let it go, the full moon will just suck it all out of you if you offer it up.

So what has been coming in for you lately, what did you put out there in the new moon and how is it making its way back to you? This is why it is a good idea to journal so that you can keep track of these things we think we will remember but we have busy lives and it is easy to forget and even easier not to reflect, always pushing forward.

This is going to be an illuminating time where we can really take on board how we manifest and create everything that happens in our lives and we will be shown this clearly in the light of the full moon, this brings up the topic of responsibility, which some see as a burden or accusation and others see as integrity empowerment and freedom. See what comes up for you and take it from there, don’t push these feelings down or judge them as not worthy or the not the ones you want to have, we have to work with what we are shown, that is the way true growth happens. 

Signposts are to be followed not painted over. If you were on your way to Tipperary and came across a signpost that said you were actually on your way to London, you wouldn’t paint Tipperary over the London sign and keep going.

You have to see and accept your emotional reactions, they are your feelings and they are valid, they may not be the feelings you would like and you probably shouldn’t express them but you are having them for a reason, you need to work out what that is and release it, which you do by processing. Ignoring your feelings and telling yourself you are being silly just pushes these feelings down, adding to the core wounds and triggers that got you here in the first place.

Processing helps you heal the wound and release the emotional trigger so that it is gone for good, really, truly gone, this is what always surprises those taking my course, it isn’t that they get better at controlling their reactions but they no longer react.

Whatever you feel today relate it back to my last few energy forecasts and see how it is all playing out for you, step back and see the bigger picture, what do you need to see what do you need to learn.

When good things happen to us we tend to think in terms of karma and when bad things happen to us we think in terms of luck, but everything that happens is a result of what we either have been putting out there or is a lesson for us, the trick is learning which is which, the best thing is to start by looking at each in turn as with everything in life though it all plays out on many different levels, so there will be plenty for you to start working with.

Have a fabulous day and I would love for you to join me in meditation tomorrow for the full moon, working with the cycles of the moon will certainly fast track your development.

This full moon is likely to bring up a lot of areas for you that need processing so it might be time to learn a simple yet highly effective processing technique – Sign up today to Unlock the Potential of You and join the empowerment revolution.

Have a fabulous day

Love and Laughter Michele xxxx

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April 28th 2018 Energy Forecast  – LOVE IS ALL AROUND

Good Morning I hope that you are well, you will certainly be feeling the effects of the upcoming full moon and this can affect people in different ways, it will even affect you in a multitude of different and often seemingly contradictory ways. Remember this as you go through the next few days, bring it into your awareness and see what your reactions are telling you, where do you need to look a little closer. This full moon is bringing in the opportunity for great inner growth if you allow it.

Full moons are a time where we reap what we have sown, positive or negative so look at what is going on in your life in this context, how did you sow the seeds for this to happen. If it is not what you want then this is a great opportunity for you to see how you created so how not to.

The energy is strong stable and compassionate but there is a strong unyielding strand through the middle of it, although it is a time that compromises can be made, there are some that are non-negotiable for you and this energy will help you stand firm in a heart centred way.

The energy of the full moon is going to bring to light issues that you have been hiding from yourself, it is important that you stop and see them or the signs will get bigger and bigger peaking in the energy of the full moon and you don’t want that, so start now, there is nothing to be afraid of and you may find any puzzle piece.

The past month has also had the energy tone of love, love of self and love of another in the romantic sense and that seems to be ramping up now too, shifts are occurring within relationships and the possibility of new loving partnerships is high. You may feel the need to really put your love out there and that is fabulous, however if you are single these energies could trigger your feelings of loneliness, which isn’t real, that is just your fear of never finding someone to share your life with, it isn’t a fact nor a premonition it is just fear. This energy is telling you that you can bring that special person into your life, they are around, waiting in the wings so to speak, so if it does trigger your fear and you feel unloved or lonely, see it for what it is and use that energy and the work you have done this year and in particular this last month to put out loving energy to attract your perfect partner.

Can you see how the energy post I wrote a month ago about learning to love yourself, taking your time to connect with who you are, is connected to what is going on with the energy now? To find someone else to love us for all that we are, first, we have to love ourselves and then we are generating that energy frequency that will attract other.

I love how if you flow with the energy you will always be in the perfect position to grab the opportunities when they arise, it is a wonderful life indeed.

Have a fabulous day, remember to keep everything in balance, the full moon is powerful indeed and it is just getting stronger so it may make you react in extreme ways, but once you are aware of this you can take a moment to breathe and ground so that you don’t spiral away and do something you regret.

If you would like to work with the energy of this full moon then please join me for a free full moon guided meditation, sigh up here to get your invitation.

Love and Laughter Michele xxxx


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April 26th 2018 Energy Forecast  – Make those dreams happen

Untitled design-70.pngGood Morning I hope you slept well, the energy coming in today is organised and practical, continuing on from yesterday, you have today and tomorrow to really fine tune your dreams and desires, your work projects and plans but not in a now or never kind of way, it is just you will get the maximum boost if you concentrate on doing it with the energy available to you now.

It is not, however, a time to get involved with the dreams of others, back off, leave them alone and concentrate on your own stuff, that is where your energy is best directed. So often and especially if you are easy going or lack in confidence, we end up living someone else’s dream, this isn’t necessarily a hardship and we might enjoy it but it is not our dream so we will always feel as though something is missing. It is the same with sharing our dreams sometimes this is great and sometimes we find our dreams hijacked and that isn’t what we want either, so think about this today.

Although the energy feels more grounded and structured we have to ensure that we are expansive and flowing, sometimes by paying so much attention to detail we forget to step back and see it in context of the bigger picture, this is important, just don’t let the bigger picture distract you. Our whole lives are a balancing act but once you get used to this and it is always in your conscious awareness it becomes an automatic habit.

If you feel yourself tensing up, expand, stand up straight, stretch, take some really deep breaths and feel yourself expand, then crack on.

It is a great day for clearing out your junk, be ruthless, do you really need it, do you love it and do you appreciate it, if not donate it, as someone else will. It is a good idea to travel light, energetically we are attached to so much in our lives, other people place and things, everything we own can be thought of as having an energetic string attaching it to us and that does weigh us down. The degree to which it does this depends on the item in question and our emotional attachment to it and the energy imbued in it. Look at items you may have inherited or bought second hand or antique and feel the energy of it, maybe you need to cleanse it.

Have a clearing out of your physical environment and getting organised will dramatically affect your energy and your mood and you will feel fab.

This is a great time for a Soul Path Reading, especially if you are feeling a little confused about your own dreams and whether you are living your dream or someone else’s.

Have a great day

Love and Laughter Michele xxxx

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April 25th 2018 Energy Forecast  – Attention to detail will help you achieve a great deal.

Good Morning I hope you are well, the energy has shifted from the bold zany and courageous to more grounded methodical and organised. Now is the time to really get focusing on the details of your plan, if you look back over the forecasts and your own experiences in the last week you can begin to see a flow and pattern in the energy, how ideas and passions first have to bubble up to your conscious awareness, they have to make themselves know, these are often quiet times for us when we have revelations about our inner world, this most often happens around the time of the new moon. We then have some time letting this settle in, we then start formulating general ideas and plans, putting it out there and testing the water, now is the time for more attention to detail, we need to flesh those plans out.

The energy has been very different this year, for lots of different reasons that I won’t go into here but there is more form and structure to it than before and this reflects energy on the global stage too. We are literally creating new structures, new ways of being and this has been super boosted since the equinox and I cannot stress how big this last 4-6 weeks has been.

Take some time out today and just journal your experiences since the equinox 21st March, it is important for you to see and feel this shift, to comprehend how we are moving forward, how this really isn’t the same old same old.

This feels like a day of lists where much can be achieved, if you have loads to do, as we all seem to, put everything on the list and start with some small stuff, it feels amazing ticking stuff off your list and I am sure many of you put stuff on your list you have done just so you can cha check it off, I know I do haha. Today you can achieve a lot so set that as your intention and get cracking, come back and share with us your achievements and get a whoop whoop.

You really can achieve your goals this year and it isn’t just wishful thinking, today you can start to really make it real, so focus on the details now and be methodical with it, don’t cut corners or try and rush it, competing it is not the goal, creating a strong foundation or structure is.

As with all energy that comes into the planet it can have a negative or a positive filter, depending on you and where you are in your life, never see this as a bad thing but as a sign for you and your growth. This energy may bring out overbearing and controlling qualities so be aware of this, process your feelings, if you feel it is because you care and are just trying to be helpful, step back and then dig deeper there is more going on here than you realise and it is going to be related to fear in one way or another and it is for you to process.

If you want to learn the most transformative yet simple processing techniques, then it is time to sign up to Unlock the Potential of You

Enjoy today and achieve lots.

Love and Laughter Michele xxx

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April 24th 2018 Energy Forecast  –  If it needs saying, today is a good time to say it!

Good Morning I hope you slept well, the high energy continues so get yourself out there and have some fun. If you are focused on business or a new project then this is a great day to put some of your plans into action, just do it, be aware of how you may distract yourself and plough on.

Today is a day to be bold and adventurous, you have the inner courage to face those fears or insecurities and really go for what you love. You will be glad you did and will have a scream doing it, so often we deny ourselves great pleasure because of fear and our assumptions when we just let go and take a leap of faith we experience something out of this world and always wish that we had done it sooner.

As we still have the strong love and compassion energy that has been around for the last week or so, this is a great time to have those difficult chats that you may have been putting off. The courageous mixed with the compassionate with enable you to tackle this firmly but sensitively, again just do it, its time and everyone will feel much better, it is always better to clear the air and speak the truth.

I feel a shift coming where the energy maybe isn’t quite as heart centred and courageous so if you need those energies together then do it today!

There is a huge amount of love around and get used to hooking into this every day, feel it on your morning walk or shower, just breathe into this energy and let it fill your heart body and life. This is important as there is also a great deal of fear, which produces anxiety and anger, as we move forward this is going to be an issue for us more and more and we all have to realise that this becomes a choice, what do we hook into the fear or the love.

When you get to know energy and work with it you are no longer controlled by the energy, on the roller coaster of emotions because you can discern what is your energy, what is other peoples and what is global and universal, so you don’t end up owning all of it as your own. This is hugely liberating and clarifying.

So see it the positive and negative emotions do not control you or define you, they are both there for you to tap into, so which do you choose. This is not a mental/mindset thing, this is feeling this energy with your whole being and aligning yourself with the vibration of your choice. So what are you going to choose?

If you want to learn more about energy, how to differentiate between the different energy and how to work with it then sign up for Unlock the Potential of You Today, someone in the group posted just the other day how one of the greatest benefits of taking this course was learning about and connecting with the different energy. So check it out and sign up today.

Have a wonderful day, get out there, get shit done and be fabulous oh and don’t forget to sign up to my Full Moon meditation to really get into the flow of working with the energy and cycles of the moon

If you are new to meditating and would like to give it a go, I have some great free guided meditations here


Love and Laughter Michele xxx

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April 23rd Energy Forecast  –  Something awesome this way comes

Good Morning I hope you are well, the energy is high and enthusiastic today, life feels good and abundant. Can you feel yourself getting swept up in the flow of good times? Can you feel that you are on the verge of something magnificent, you may have no idea what that is but you know that something is coming.

This is a great day for setting your dreams into action, what is that you truly love to do, what do you want to achieve, how do you want to live? Today you will find your dreams coming up to the surface for you to grab hold of, with the confidence and enthusiasm to really make things happen.

As we head towards the full moon next week you will find that you come out of yourself more and more, great changes have happened to us all and to the world in the last 4 weeks since the equinox. Personally, I have been busy with global work but also with some great shifts and expansion within me, it has been an intense period and not always easy but the light that always comes after the dark is always glorious. What changes have been happening within you?

Although this is a time of great outward expression with a focus on your outer world, your friends and family, it is always a good idea to spend a little time each day in reflection, grounding what is going on now within the bigger picture. Seeing the flows and pattern of life, energy and events help you connect with these cycles and see how everything really does happen for a reason.

When things fall apart, we assume the worst, that we have done something wrong, fallen from our path or we don’t deserve for things to work out but often these are absolute blessings, (blessing in disguise) because we were maybe focusing on the wrong thing or missing a vital component. By everything falling apart we can find ourselves in a better position to fulfil our goals, we can become so fixated on one route or one dream that we fail to see what is perfect for us and sometimes things need to fall apart for us to see the better path.

This is a day for fun and laughter, my favourite kind and we all deserves to get out there and be fun loving and carefree, it has been a hard month for us all but now the sun is shining and it’s time to party with our friends.

I will be holding a full moon meditation again at the end of the month and I would love for you to join me if you haven’t already,  sign up here and you will receive your invitation shortly

Have a fabulous day

Love and Laughter Michele xxxx

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April 22nd Energy Forecast  – Love Love Love

Good Morning I hope you are well, today we have a large amount of compassion around which is fabulous, compassion always feels like a huge hug and that is always welcome.

The first place we need to deal a hefty dose of compassion is with ourselves, hopefully, you will have used some of the energy that has been around over the last couple of weeks and see that you deserve to be treated with kindness and compassion.

If you have been annoyed with yourself recently over anything really, today is a great day to forgive yourself and just let it go, it’s done, there is no good holding onto this stuff. We all make mistakes, we all do things without thinking but it only becomes a true mistake when we don’t learn from it and move on. So do that first and then you can spread the love around!

If you have a child that is moving away from home soon and you just want to grab them close and hold them tight, know that they will be ok, this is what they do, this is what you have prepared them for, we only get them for such a small space of time but what a time it is and we have taught them what they need and now it’s time for them to truly master their world and it’s time for you to get back to mastering yours. If your child is ready to leave home then you have done a great hob so congratulate yourself for that.

Not sure why that just came up but I feel it is a message for someone. Oh here we go again, you have to give yourself time to heal, give that love and space to yourself that you give so freely to others, just give yourself time, the wounds are deep but it’s ok you will get there.

Anyway, it seems that today is a great day for communing with spirit too, so you should try that, just say hello and take it from there. Spirits will talk to you in a variety of ways you just have to get to know their tells and trust a little more. I know it is hard, we say it’s wishful thinking but we all have spirits around us, loved ones, if you talk to them you may find out who.

Have compassion for those in your life who may be struggling, being under stress can bring out the worst in people, know it isn’t personal, step back if you have to but be understanding, we can all empathise.

I have someone singing in my ear now, first Gabrielle, Dreams  and then George Michael Faith, badly but brilliant, so I take it we gotta have faith that our dreams can come true, I’m up for that

So as I have been writing that I have had an older man with me, reminds me a bit of Peter Cushing but in his 60’s and oh no sorry in his 50’s I beg your pardon, 57

There was also a young woman about 24/26, she was the one singing to me and she loved the 80’s Madonna Cyndi Lauper.

Tune into the spirits all around today and see what they have to say, they are your cheering squad, so let them support you and cheer you on your way!

If you are ready to really love yourself then check out my course, it will help you connect to your heart centre and bring out the love

Have a fabulous day

Love and Laughter Michele xxxx

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April 20th Energy Forecast  – Your Home, Your Castle

Good morning I hope you are well, so today we feel a shift in the energy and your focus once more as you turn your attention to the home. The energy is grounded and solid but with a soft emotional feel to it.You may feel the desire to stay home and nurture those close to you, although taken too far and you may begin to smother or become anxious about their well-being if this happens just take some time out to breathe and ground.

This could be a great time for you to face your own anxieties and fears as they may come bubbling to the surface so rather than squash them down, take a look, they are not real and it’s time that you saw this. Freedom awaits.

This energy feels like the emotional energy that we had the week before the new moon but this time it is more directed to those around you. Your empathic senses will be heightened, so just be aware that you will be picking up on the energy of those around you. For those that have taken my Unlock the Potential of You or Meditation 101 do the meditations related to this and make sure you cleanse your energy daily.

We still have the energy of clarity that has been with us for a few days and this is going to help you with any fears that may come up, particularly in relation to family safety and security, it isn’t the same as in the past, now you have a clearer way ahead. Make any changes necessary to create the home you desire, you know what you need to do and you know that you can do this.

It is really important in these shifting times to ground and cleanse daily, it will help you not to get caught up in the fear and anger, the lies and deceit that are all around. Turn on the news and every which way we look we are being bombarded with threats and wrongdoing but that is not the whole picture, neither is it the true picture but the energy of it all will have detrimental effects on you. Cleansing morning and night and as often as you feel like it during the day will make a huge difference, make it part of your routine.

If you are serious about making some permanent changes in your life, of finally bringing all those puzzle pieces together, then I highly recommend signing up for Unlock The Potential of You. It will give you a simple framework to start building your dream life, whatever that may be, financial security, travel, love, it is up to you the world really is your oyster!

Have a fabulous day 

Love and Laughter Michele xxxx

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April 16th Energy Forecast  – New Moon

Good Morning, I hope you are well, the new moon is with us and it is a wonderfully grounded compassionate and transformational energy. It is that awesome quiet strength that is just so delicious, you know you can move mountains but you have no need to shout about it. This is no drama no fuss energy, so enjoy it!

New moons are always about new beginnings, opportunities to sow your seeds for the coming cycle and this new moon more than any this year you are in the best position to take advantage of this, you know now more than ever what you really want and you are ready.

Remember this, Just because something has always been a certain way does not mean that is the way it has to stay, everything can change, everything, you just have to want it enough and to take action. This next cycle is going to be a very active and constructive time and you will start to see your dreams taking shape or moving to the next level but you have to want it and you have to act, so what are you waiting for? If you don’t know where to start just focus on one area and jump in and see where you go from there. 

You have the power and the focus to achieve what you desire and this energy is helping you with that, this strong and transformational energy is grounded and nurturing, so it isn’t that heady energy that can make you feel a bit out of control but it is just as powerful.

This moon also brings a heightening of your “spiritual senses, your intuition will be high, so a great time to validate your trust and faith in your inner knowing, which is something that has been coming up for a few of you recently. Your empathic senses will also be heightened so bear this in mind and take some time out if you feel overwhelmed by others emotions, don’t let them whisk you away down your own rabbit hole.

This energy, however, may also make you feel lost or confused, you may fall into doubt about what are dreams and what are illusions, are you heading in the right direction or are you off on a wild goose chase. If you feel like this just take some time out, breathe, ground yourself and just ask what do I need to see, the answers will come to you if you are open and accepting of the answers. 

They are not always what we want to hear but we they are what we have always known and most definitely what we need to hear. It’s better that we see the truth, as hard as that may be rather than living a lie, at least then we can move on, making a clearer path for ourselves. 

This energy will definitely shine a spotlight on any deceit or dishonesty in your life and this is a good thing, it will help you bring yourself and your life into alignment, this is not, however, the time to go out and do anything about it, just get your head around it first.

Josh is holding an online New Moon guided meditation today and it would be great if you could join him,  Josh took Unlock the Potential of You Course and part of any student/clients continued support from me is giving them a platform to share their skills, services and passions.

You can sign up below to get free access to the Live Guided Meditation and I will repost his Invitation to you all.

Have a wonderful New Moon and I hope you set some fabulous intentions for the month ahead.

Love and laughter Michele xxx

Great day for signing up for Unlock The Potential of You

Sign up for Josh’s New Moon Meditation and all Future Full & New Moon Guided Meditations – Helping you get the most out of each cycle!

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