The Unity Energy of Humility will help you gain perspective and appreciation within your relationships this week

The energy of the  Full Moon on Friday is bringing the imbalances and polarities within our relationships into sharp focus. This energy has the potential to bring about great transformations, helping us to create healthy happy harmonious and fulfilling relationships.

However to get there we have to face these imbalances and that is not always easy. Unity energy is perfect to help you with this, helping you to reach emotional balance and mental clarity, it is a pure consistent heart energy that can elevate you to higher ways of thinking and being. 

This week the Unity energies of Compassion and Humility will help you see the bigger picture gaining an understanding of other peoples points of view, needs and desires as well as your own. 

Today we will focus on Humility, Compassion was posted on Monday.

Humility – the image was created using the energy of Humility and is one of 39 Energy Cards featured in the Reaching Unity Game and Card Set

This is an excerpt from the Game and Card Set Description Book

Gaze at the image and allow the energy to wash over you as you reflect on the information in the excerpt. Allow yourself the time to realise how this energy will help you, thoughts images memories and feelings will come to you if you give yourself permission to receive.

Humility – Excerpt from Reaching Unity Description 

“The unity energy of humility is soft and gentle, yet with great power to balance and transform. Having more humility within yourself and your life allows you to step back and bring yourself back down to earth, grounding yourself in the now which in turn helps you to see the bigger picture from a more open and gracious perspective.

Being humble is often defined as being meek, submissive, weak or shy but the opposite is true, it brings great strength as you are able to shed the dominance of the mind and the duality condition which focuses on the need to be right, winning, in control and dominant.

To embody the energy of humility means that you are free from arrogance, foolish pride and pretentiousness. You are able to pull yourself back to the core of you, to the purity of your soul, understanding both your importance and your insignificance. It allows you to quieten the external noise, the clamour for recognition and power and to go within and it is from here that you can balance your inner and external power. 

Humility also helps you to balance the power of your will, too often we can get mentally stuck on a solution or direction and push forward with the sheer determination of our will, even when all the signs are telling us to try another direction. Humility allows you to be open to the possibility that your way is not the only way and it helps you to listen more than you speak.

The energy of Humility helps you to stop and recentre, bringing your awareness and appreciation back to the present moment, it is the little moments, those spaces in between that will make your heart sing, bringing joy and clarity to your life.

Humility will shift your awareness and perspective if you allow it, we are often so focused on what is out there, making our mark on the world and seeing our successes and dreams reflected back at us that we have forgotten that our real power and our true reality is within.”

#reachingunity #fullmoon #humility #unityenergy #growth #emotionalbalance #relationships #love #honesty #wisdom #understanding #consciousawareness

New Energy, New Beginnings – The Real You

Getting into alignment – our journey continues

2019 really is the year that we are all come into alignment with our soul path passion and purpose. We have greater opportunities than ever before to re-connect with our immense inner power, creating and manifesting our dreams.

The equinox last month was an incredible gateway and time of new beginnings and the new moon on Friday really anchors in those new ways and fresh starts. We have had a couple of weeks to work on all the residual issues, revelations and blocks that have been coming up since the equinox and this weekend will be super charged to help us release these and move consciously and purposefully into a fresh rewarding and abundant cycle!

It really is time to let go of the past and anything that you are holding on to is ready for release, you may need to ask yourself why are you fighting it? What value is it holding for you that you won’t let go? 

This new moon energy will bring up in you and show you your rigidity and stubbornness, do you cut off your nose to spite your face, do you go that extra mile just to be right? Do you get moody when you don’t get your own way and are you rather passive aggressive? These traits will come out in you over the next week and although it can be tough to admit these characteristics within you, it is a great time address this and move from your head to your heart.

One of the most significant areas of coming into alignment and especially in the western world is our business or career, what we do for a living. Gone are the days when there is a division or separation between what you do to earn money and who you are, we are moving into unity and as such the opportunities to bring this area of our lives into alignment are super high right now! 

Honesty and Integrity are incredibly important for this process, if you are duplicitous, manipulative or fake then you may find life is a little uncomfortable but this is not a punishment it is so that you can bring your awareness to your imbalances and work on them. 

This energy will also bring bucket loads of determination, you will be surprised at how much work you can achieve this weekend bringing your plans into reality. It is time to take action!

So today ask yourself what is standing in your way professionally? 

Are you ready to move from your head into your heart and step into your life purpose?

If you are fighting life right now, maybe trying to keep everything as it is or you don’t want to look at areas within you that need balancing or addressing then you may find yourself getting rather angry or moody. Other people will be on your last nerve and you may find yourself blowing up or storming off. This is not a time to dig your heals in and hold a grudge.

So if you feel like holding on tightly , take a few deep breaths and let it go!

Reflect on the changes this year but in particular since the equinox, think about your goals in particular those related to work and then connect that with idea that you are taking that first step in your new higher vibrational cycle ….it’s time to do it differently.

The new moon is on Friday so work with the rhythms and fast track your personal development!

Have a  fabulous day

Love and laughter Michele xx

This intense energy is all about Alignment

The energy hitting us right now is pretty intense and is certainly shaking things up a bit so bear this in mind and make sure you have time out if you start to feel the pressure. The last thing you want to do is say or do something you later regret.

It may leave you feeling, sad, angry and anxious, so take some time to deal with this, you may feel others are irritating or upsetting you but this is your stuff not theirs.

This is a year of alignment and a lot of the energy we have coming in at the moment is to help you with this and this is not always comfortable.

We lie to ourselves a lot, we tell ourselves we are ok when we are not, we say that life is ok when really we are just getting by, we justify our inaction in a multitude of ways. We believe that this is just part of what it means to be human, we settle, we put with things we shouldn’t and stay swinging on the pendulum of good times to bad.

However, I don’t see it as part of being human but rather as being a condition of the duality paradigm. A paradigm we are leaving, if we chose to that is. The unity paradigm is here and to reach it we need to come into alignment. Hence all the energy we are experiencing this year, the energy is here to help us, to give us the optimum conditions for us to see and experience how out of alignment we are and to take steps to rectify this. 

When we push these feelings away or direct our focus outwards, then we are allowing these opportunities for growth and alignment to pass us by. We have been conditioned to focus on the positives, to see feelings of discomfort as a bad thing, when in reality when we feel down, angry, frustrated or disappointed, we are being given a really positive and rewarding sign. We are being shown, look here, you are out of balance here, your unconscious is telling you something about you. When we grab these opportunities and take the time to sit with these feelings, to find out where they are coming from and to process them, we then experience true growth.

It just takes a perspective shift and you will be well on your way. Become the intrepid explorer of your own self, discover your soul and the path you are walking. 

So how do you start?

You start mentally, so when something you perceive as negative happens in your life, stop before you spiral down emotionally and mentally and become an observer. Step back and make a conscious choice, you can either see this an effect, what is happening in your life right now is a symptom not the cause. The real cause is an imbalance within you, somewhere you are out of alignment and you are prepared to explore further and find out what that imbalance is. Or you can choose to perceive that this is happening to you and you can either run away or fight (fight or flight) or you can be a Victim or a Hero ( Conditioned Role Play) From this point of view, life happens to you are an actor on the stage.

So those are the first choices you have to make, what is your perspective going to be? This will change what happens next. 

As conditioned duality beings, our seemingly natural response is to be at the mercy of our emotions and go where they lead. But this is always a route to no where, its just taking another spin on the merry go round.

So once you have your intrepid explorer hat on you can start to ask yourself the big questions; why has this upset me so? What is that I am upset about? Am I guilty of the behaviour that is offending me right now? 

The next step is to really get in there with some hardcore processing so that you can bypass the ego and follow your pain to the core, bringing it into the light for recognition, healing and release. For those who have taken Unlock the Potential of You – get processing, you have the tools make sure you use them for maximum benefit at the equinox.

When you take this journey you will see things that are not always nice or comfortable but it is the only way to achieve balance. Everything has to come out into the light so that we can create balance and ensure only that which we are in alignment with stays in our life.

We live in a world when the symptoms are treated but rarely the cause, this ensures that we have a life long servitude to whatever drug or regime we “need” or it means that we have to sacrifice parts of life as we tolerate and live with our symptoms. This is true on all levels, its all about the surface quick fix.

The energy we have around at the moment is pushing you to see below the surface, to see all sides of you, aiding you to come into alignment with your soul. It may not be comfortable but it is beautiful and it is the only way to Unity.

Work with the energy it is here to aid you and lead you to the transformation of the equinox.

Have a fabulous day and don’t forget to breathe.

Love and laughter Michele 

The world is covered in a smog of dense depressive energy

The energy right now feels a little messed up and I wouldn’t be surprised if you were feeling a little anxious, down or sad.

The universal energy, that feels in line with the energy of this year, feels strong and stable, with a feeling of determination and inspiration to get things done, to make those changes, to share your wisdom and courage, to be in service and share your joy.

We have the new moon so it is time of endings and new beginnings, aa first step into the next 28 day cycle of February. This should be a tie to slough off the old skin of January which was tough in itself but necessary. January was a time to hang back a little, to check our dreams and make some plans. To ensure that all was in order within us, that we had the right tone or focus for the year ahead.

2018 was a difficult, strip back to the bones kind of year for some and for others it was a year of boldly walking your soul path, creating great change and taking responsibility. 2019 is going to be a year of action and change and some of that may come with people being pushed to their limits but this is always a calatayst for change.

However over the last couple of days I have felt the energy shift considerably, a blanket fog of doom and gloom, a definite drop in the vibrational frequency of the energy and this is neither great nor is it natural universal energy

I don’t know what and I don’t know how but it is related to the weather.

So how are you feeling? If you have woken with a heavy heart, anxiety or a feeling that everything is too hard and what is the point, please be aware that this is coming from outside of you. This is not you, you  are not depressed. Get up and shake it off, go for a walk in the rain, run ,laugh , dance, go and do something lovely for someone else just because. 

If you can stay away from mobile phones, computer screens or tvs, as much as you can for the next couple of days. There is something going on with this technology that is amplifying these effects right now.

Maybe keep some notes over the next couple of days of how you feel, if you would like to share them with me I am happy to give you my thoughts.

Just remember you path is firm, it is just shrouded in fog right now so it may feel as though you  are losing your way but you are not, just remember I am here and if I can guide you right now out of the mist it would be my honour to do so, just remember you are not alone, you are not crazy and yes you can feel it!

Have a fabulous day, love and laughter Michele xx

The Energy of 2019 WTF is Going on?

This is a very different year to 2018 and I am sure that not only can you feel it but you are glad. 2018 was tough right and whoa the first full moon of the year kicked most of us to the floor, sticking its long cold fingers into our deepest wounds. So who can blame you for taking a little breather, however it probably wasn’t the rest that you were hoping for.

Do your doubts, fears, insecurities and general anxiety feel like they are back? Do  you feel that there may  be something bad about to happen but you don’t know what, just a general feeling that there is something that you have forgotten to do? 

Maybe you  started the year with such promise and optimism just to feel it fall flat and now you are left wondering whether you got it all wrong. Don’t worry and take a deep breath, the energy this year has been intense on so many levels and you  are going to be feeling this. 

There is a great deal of change happening, on the global and political stage, within your life and also fundamentally at an energy level. The work I am doing globally with my mystic work has changed a lot this year and this a direct reflection of the paradigm shift.

It is hugely exciting and I would love to come back tomorrow live on Facebook and talk to you in more detail about what is happening energetically right now, so if you have any questions or would like this, please drop me a comment or message.

If you look back over your life, pay attention to cycles beginning in 2008 and 2017 you will begin to see patterns and cycles, your journey so far will become clear, as this year and the decade or so that will follow is the point that the last 11 years have been leading to.

Whether you know it or not, this year is going to be a significant year in our history, it will be turning point in everyones lives one way or another, the shifts and changes will start to be difficult to ignore, so please be conscious and discerning about the story you are telling yourself. 

Nothing is the same as it was and you know this, you can feel it deep down and this may be the cause of your anxiety or fear, as change unsettles us all, however these changes are great, they are necessary and they are unavoidable, there is no going back, our course is set, so its time to enjoy the journey.

2018 brought pain, revelations, shifts, endings and new beginnings and 2019 will bring clarity and courage, collaboration and an accelerated expansion of awareness, if that is what you choose but you have to choose it, you have to make it conscious, you have to take action.

2018 stirred your pain and your passion, in 2019 we have to build on this, to nurture the seeds of our dreams, rather than just wishing our life away, time to nurture our gifts and step into our purpose, time to start building the foundations and structures that will lead the way and support those that follow.

Everything shifted for me personally at the December solstice, a time of death and renewal, when all of my work, my path and my training, came into relief and I realised this moment, right here is the manifestation of the dreams I have been having since a child, this is what I have been preparing for, a place that once seemed so far away so distant is my now! You will be having a similar year, if you can’t see this keep looking because it is there.

You chose to be here at this time in history, you have value, something to give or you  wouldn’t be here, please don’t sleep through it, or turn away in disbelief or justification. Look around you, connect, reflect and take action.

This is a year all about honesty integrity and alignment and I have a whole Unity Tool kit to help you get there, this is an important year and how you  end 2019 will be important for the transformations coming in 2020 and beyond.

Please ask any questions, share your journey and become part of the Reaching Unity Community, I am building this for you, so let me know what you want and I will create it.

The Reaching Unity membership site fabulous and I am going back to my old pricing structure, which I will create another post about shortly but in a nutshell, you will pay an amount based on the value the site has for you and I am creating a video tomorrow which  explains how you get into alignment with your price point! 

We will leave no person behind, if they  are willing to help themselves, no matter what it takes but the days of a free lunch and riding on the shirt tails of someone else are over.

Let me know how I can help because the New Paradigm of Unity is a wonder in deed, far surpassing your wildest dreams and if I can point you in the right direction, supply you with your Universal Took Kit and keep you company for a while…..then I am fulfilling my purpose in this life.

Have a fabulous day

Love and Laughter Michele xx



Work with the energy and cycles of the moon and find your life begin to really flow, join me this Monday 30th April 9am BST for a free online guided meditation, to use these energies for your maximum benefit and growth.

FULL MOON MEDITATIONS – You only need to do this once and you will receive your direct link to the meditation each month.


I would be lovely to have you as part of the group so I hope to see you there !

Love & Laughter Michele xxx

If you enjoy my articles it would be fabulous if you could share with your friends, thanks


April 29th 2018 Energy Forecast  – Follow the signposts, don’t paint over them!

April 29th 2018 Energy Forecast  – Follow the signposts, don’t paint over them!

Good Morning I hope you are well, the energy is super intense right now and I am sure your sleep patterns may have been affected, this energy should have you leaping out of bed earlier than usual raring to go, if it isn’t then in your morning meditation ask why you may be hiding from something. Let the full moon shine a light on this for you, process it and let it go, the full moon will just suck it all out of you if you offer it up.

So what has been coming in for you lately, what did you put out there in the new moon and how is it making its way back to you? This is why it is a good idea to journal so that you can keep track of these things we think we will remember but we have busy lives and it is easy to forget and even easier not to reflect, always pushing forward.

This is going to be an illuminating time where we can really take on board how we manifest and create everything that happens in our lives and we will be shown this clearly in the light of the full moon, this brings up the topic of responsibility, which some see as a burden or accusation and others see as integrity empowerment and freedom. See what comes up for you and take it from there, don’t push these feelings down or judge them as not worthy or the not the ones you want to have, we have to work with what we are shown, that is the way true growth happens. 

Signposts are to be followed not painted over. If you were on your way to Tipperary and came across a signpost that said you were actually on your way to London, you wouldn’t paint Tipperary over the London sign and keep going.

You have to see and accept your emotional reactions, they are your feelings and they are valid, they may not be the feelings you would like and you probably shouldn’t express them but you are having them for a reason, you need to work out what that is and release it, which you do by processing. Ignoring your feelings and telling yourself you are being silly just pushes these feelings down, adding to the core wounds and triggers that got you here in the first place.

Processing helps you heal the wound and release the emotional trigger so that it is gone for good, really, truly gone, this is what always surprises those taking my course, it isn’t that they get better at controlling their reactions but they no longer react.

Whatever you feel today relate it back to my last few energy forecasts and see how it is all playing out for you, step back and see the bigger picture, what do you need to see what do you need to learn.

When good things happen to us we tend to think in terms of karma and when bad things happen to us we think in terms of luck, but everything that happens is a result of what we either have been putting out there or is a lesson for us, the trick is learning which is which, the best thing is to start by looking at each in turn as with everything in life though it all plays out on many different levels, so there will be plenty for you to start working with.

Have a fabulous day and I would love for you to join me in meditation tomorrow for the full moon, working with the cycles of the moon will certainly fast track your development.

This full moon is likely to bring up a lot of areas for you that need processing so it might be time to learn a simple yet highly effective processing technique – Sign up today to Unlock the Potential of You and join the empowerment revolution.

Have a fabulous day

Love and Laughter Michele xxxx

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Work with the energy and cycles of the moon and find your life begin to really flow, join me this Monday 30th April 9am BST for a free online guided meditation, to use these energies for your maximum benefit and growth.

FULL MOON MEDITATIONS – You only need to do this once and you will receive your direct link to the meditation each month.


I would be lovely to have you as part of the group so I hope to see you there !

Love & Laughter Michele xxx

If you enjoy my articles it would be fabulous if you could share with your friends, thanks


April 28th 2018 Energy Forecast  – LOVE IS ALL AROUND

Good Morning I hope that you are well, you will certainly be feeling the effects of the upcoming full moon and this can affect people in different ways, it will even affect you in a multitude of different and often seemingly contradictory ways. Remember this as you go through the next few days, bring it into your awareness and see what your reactions are telling you, where do you need to look a little closer. This full moon is bringing in the opportunity for great inner growth if you allow it.

Full moons are a time where we reap what we have sown, positive or negative so look at what is going on in your life in this context, how did you sow the seeds for this to happen. If it is not what you want then this is a great opportunity for you to see how you created so how not to.

The energy is strong stable and compassionate but there is a strong unyielding strand through the middle of it, although it is a time that compromises can be made, there are some that are non-negotiable for you and this energy will help you stand firm in a heart centred way.

The energy of the full moon is going to bring to light issues that you have been hiding from yourself, it is important that you stop and see them or the signs will get bigger and bigger peaking in the energy of the full moon and you don’t want that, so start now, there is nothing to be afraid of and you may find any puzzle piece.

The past month has also had the energy tone of love, love of self and love of another in the romantic sense and that seems to be ramping up now too, shifts are occurring within relationships and the possibility of new loving partnerships is high. You may feel the need to really put your love out there and that is fabulous, however if you are single these energies could trigger your feelings of loneliness, which isn’t real, that is just your fear of never finding someone to share your life with, it isn’t a fact nor a premonition it is just fear. This energy is telling you that you can bring that special person into your life, they are around, waiting in the wings so to speak, so if it does trigger your fear and you feel unloved or lonely, see it for what it is and use that energy and the work you have done this year and in particular this last month to put out loving energy to attract your perfect partner.

Can you see how the energy post I wrote a month ago about learning to love yourself, taking your time to connect with who you are, is connected to what is going on with the energy now? To find someone else to love us for all that we are, first, we have to love ourselves and then we are generating that energy frequency that will attract other.

I love how if you flow with the energy you will always be in the perfect position to grab the opportunities when they arise, it is a wonderful life indeed.

Have a fabulous day, remember to keep everything in balance, the full moon is powerful indeed and it is just getting stronger so it may make you react in extreme ways, but once you are aware of this you can take a moment to breathe and ground so that you don’t spiral away and do something you regret.

If you would like to work with the energy of this full moon then please join me for a free full moon guided meditation, sigh up here to get your invitation.

Love and Laughter Michele xxxx


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April 27th 2018 Energy Forecast  – Firm Fair and Fabulous

Good Morning I hope you slept well, although I feel many may have had a disturbed night, the energy shifted quite dramatically in the night increasing in intensity and this could have woken you from your slumber.

This is a great thing and it feels like the energy of the major arcana cards in tarot as compared to the minor arcana, it feels like big things are happening, that this is an important time for everyone on their journey no matter where they are. These shifts can be reflected in your if you want it and allow it.

The energy is of high intensity but it remains grounded and heart centred,  I feel the energies of kindness and compassion, fairness and equality, love and partnership, it really is rather fabulous and I know wonderful things are going to happen for us all.

It is time to open your eyes and really see what is going on in your life and what you want and don’t want and it is also the time to act, to do something about it. The last 6 weeks have been getting you into position for this fabulous full moon, the second of the month and we are firmly in that full moon energy, although it doesn’t reach its peak for another few days.

This is the second time this year that we have had two full moons in one month, which as I have said in other energy reports, this is not a major celestial or spiritual event, it is a clear message of how out of alignment we are with nature and the cycles of the moon. We were made aware of this in January and have spent the last few months bringing ourselves back into alignment or at least starting that journey so this full moon will be a great opportunity for us to see how far we have come back into balance.

I hope more than ever, that this year you have begun to really see the pattern of the energy, how everything flows and is interconnected, how there is a reason for everything even if you have to wait some time to see that. I hope that you are working with the energy and seeing how it super boosts you and helps you to achieve your goals with the minimum of fuss.

You have had many revelations about your life and your relationships whether romantic, family, friends or business and now is the time that you will feel compelled to act, to speak, to be clear about what you do and don’t want and you will have the fairness to listen to them too. This may mean that some serious restructuring is going to take place and some people you may just walk away from but if you stay grounded and heart centred everything will work out in the best way possible for everyone. These things are not always easy but it has been a long time coming and it is necessary, so take a deep breath and go for it.

Setting your intentions, getting yourself and your environment into the most conducive energetic space will ensure all goes smoothly. If you want to learn how to do this for every situation in your life then sign up for Unlock the Potential of You, seriously this course is jam-packed with tips and tools for every area of your life to ensure optimum happiness and harmony.

Have a fabulous day

Love and Laughter Michele xxxx

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