The paradigm shift is in full effect

Whoop whoop yea yea whoop whoop yea!

I am super excited today and the reason is this….

The energy recently has put a rocket up a lot of people, it has flipped the switch and compelled people into action!

So many more people are ready to start work on their own personal development, I have had 3 people over the weekend contact me and say they are ready to knuckle down and work on the course and processing – these are people who bought the course 1, 2 , 3 years ago but kept putting off doing it.

I am seeing another mass shift in the consciousness of the planet and this is fabulous

We are hurtling towards the total paradigm shift at an amazing speed and people are feeling it.

In September 2017 I spoke about alternative timelines locking down and that we were unable to shift between alternate timelines anymore and that it was important between 2017 and 2020 to work on our development and vibrational rate as by the end of 2019 we are locking in and aligning our vibrational rate with the rate of either the duality paradigm or the unity paradigm.

This does not mean that our vibrational rates will not grow past that point but it is a bit like the harry potter sorting hat, which paradigm will you be assigned to?

The world is waking up not only to the illusion and the control but also to our own power and awesomeness! Your free will allows you to choose, are you turning right and moving towards unity, your own development and liberation, are you sitting down and ignoring it all or are you turning left and jumping into the world that you have always known – better the devil you know kinda deal?

Look around you the world is changing right? This world is nothing like the world you remember as a child! Nothing is solid anymore and everything is shifting. Your heart knows one thing and your mind and the worlds media tell you something else.

But it is ok, it is fabulous and wonderful and amazing, the path ahead is simple – you just need to work on your own development, you don’t need to fix anything out there, you just need to connect with what is in here!

You are amazing and wonderful, kind and compassionate, you are wise and loving, insightful and creative and more than anything you have a purpose, a reason, something fabulous to bring to the party – no matter what the duality world and conditioning try to tell you about yourself it is all BS.

Look within, do the shadow work unite yourself and unity awaits – it’s all about the vibrations!!

Have a fabulous day and if you have any questions please give me a shout
Love and laughter Michele x

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Can I interest you in a cheesy nibble podcast

Sophie and I chat about my experiences as a mystic, the world in general and both our personal journey’s so far.

It is funny, poignant, insightful and sometimes just downright freaky and weird.

We have recorded 7 episodes so far and are hoping to release a new one each week. We have also recorded a special podcast on Men and Suicide.

I hope you have a listen and enjoy them as much as we do making them and we would love to hear from you, we can talk about any issue that you are interested in and can address any questions in future podcasts.

So sit back, relax and enjoy the show!


Sophie and Michele talk about how it all began, their friendship, Michele’s Mysticism and both their journey’s of personal and spiritual development.


In this episode Sophie and Michele chat about spirits and ghosts. Where do they come from, why are they here and how do you see and communicate with them, as well as lots of other random stuff.


Aliens – Is it reasonable to think that we are the only intelligent life form in the Universe? Michele and Sophie discuss Aliens and share what they have experienced.


Sophies shares her weightloss journey and how she discovered it was about a lot more than her weight. Conscious eating, habit and eating your feelings are discussed in this podcast.


Michele and Sophie delve into the mysteries and battles between the light and the dark.


Michele and Sophie discuss the pressing issue of male suicide and a way forward.

Episodes 6 and 7 will be posted soon!

If you enjoy these podcasts we would love to hear from you and a review would be fabulous.

Have a fabulous day


These energy shifts are intense

Last weeks new moon was super intense, it was a time of instant endings and new beginnings, very much like the Death Card in the Tarot.

Situations arose that reminded us of old cycles so that the fire in our belly ignited and we were able to say hell no – well hopefully for some the fear was too much and a familiar old cycle was more comforting than a strange and unknown new one but that is ok it will come around again, just make sure you are ready to jump this time.

The shifts were incredible and when they are this deep ensure that you leave yourself time to think. I took two days of thinking time – no music no distractions or people just being and allowing everything to settle and fall into place. Eureka moments, the catalysts of change can then naturally occur.

Too often in this face-paced social media instant gratification world of faux fame we never take a minute to just think, to reflect. Our puzzle pieces can get thrown in the air and although we may tweet our trauma we have moved on to the next thing before the pieces even hit the floor.

Everytime we do this we lose a little piece of ourselves, we disconnect from who we are a little more, we lose our grip in reality until the only person we know who we are is the filtered version on social media.

We will be getting lots of opportunities this year to start afresh, to being the journey of the heart and soul but it won’t happen to you, the crux of this life is our free will, the choices we make….everything is a choice and if you can’t see that you have to look a little deeper.

My childhood thankfully was full of really boring stuff, lots of waiting around in cars and long journeys with just eye spy to distract so we daydreamed a lot and it was magical but it was also super important in many ways, from being able to dream your dreams and explore the options, to try it on for size, to visualising and setting intentions.

This is an amazing world, full of amazing people and opportunities, we are moving full steam ahead into the unity paradigm if that is the path we have chosen, or we are digging our heels firmly into duality and not going anywhere.

Look around you and that will give you some indication of which path you are currently on but it is never too late to change your path but only you can do that!

Have a fabulous week and take some time to reflect on your year so far and what it is telling you

And Breathe….life after the solstice

The last month or so has been intense and the energy has finally settled after the solstices so how are you feeling?

This is a perfect time to just take a deep breath and reflect! Go on do it now, take a couple of deep breaths – how do you feel? 

Maybe take some time over the weekend to journal the shifts in you, 

  • What realisations have you come to over the last few weeks?
  • Which fears came up for you and what did they show you?
  • How did your perspective or focus change?
  • What did you let go of?
  • How did your emotions change?
  • How are you acting differently?
  • How has your life changed?

There are going to have been many shifts within you, whether you are consciously aware of this or not but you can bring them into your conscious awareness and ground them by journalling!

When you make something conscious then you are less likely to automatically fall back into old habits and ways of being, habit is the anthesis of change and most likely to keep you  trapped in old cycles and ways of being and more importantly, stuck in the old duality paradigm. 

Working on expanding your conscious awareness daily is the route to happiness ,enlightenment, wisdom and the Unity Paradigm.

You chose to be here at this particular point in history and if you are reading this then my guess is you chose to be a pioneer, an adventurer of the Unity Paradigm!

You have a calling to share your story to help others…right? You know deep within, a voice that will not quieten and in fact gets louder every day, that you have an important purpose and one that is being called upon now. Yes you are being called into action! Once you make your way into the Unity Paradigm, then you are ready to share that with the world!

But where to start and what to do? Luckily that is my purpose, to teach and show you  how to achieve the Unity Paradigm within, with some very simple tools and techniques, found in Unlock the Potential of You. Once you have achieved this transition personally you have the opportunity to train as A Unity Approach Therapist, taking what you learn out into the world, showing others the path forward and so it continues.

If you are ready to listen to your inner call, please send me a message, I am happy to answer any of your questions or sign up for Unlock the Potential of You and be part of something extraordinary from the beginning!

You are reading this because you are a pioneer so let’s do this!

Love and laugher Michele

We had a powerful energy shift last night and it’s just the beginning!

About 2 this morning we had a big inpouring of high vibrational energy that lifted the whole planet.

This had a few effects, it raised your vibrational rate, which would have made you more productive, happier and more energised, everyone experiences this in varying degrees.

It will have shifted loose some old debris or baggage within you and for the lucky ones this would have drifted away from you in your dreams. You may have experienced odd dreams last night or even some anxiety dreams or nightmares.

For some this old energy may have shaken loose but it may still be hanging around in your system so if you feel down and sluggish or maybe have a sense of impending doom, or old memories have come to the surface, then you need to cleanse your energy and release it all.

A meditation in the shower would be perfect, as you visualise and allow all this old energy to flow out of you and down the drain.

We have a full moon coming up and like the last new moon it brings with it the energy of both the new and the full moon. It is all rather wonderful and intense, so get ready, it is certainly going to shake things up a bit and the shift we had last night is helping us get into the best position we can be.

This is a year that we make the shifts and changes necessary to have a firm foot in unity when we enter 2020. We do this by bringing into alignment our heart, mind, soul, body and the life we create and sometimes a little destruction and discomfort is necessary to do this.

We have to face those parts of ourselves that we don’t like or try to hide , we have to let go of the old ways of being and thinking that no longer serve us, we have to forgive others and ourselves and maybe just life in general, we have to realise the power we have within and unlock our true potential and we have to bring all of this out into the world.

You are part of something extraordinary and whether you know it or not you chose this, you chose to be right here at this particular point in history. This time of the paradigm shift where we have the opportunity to move into unity or stay in duality, it is a crossroads that we all face and one we have been seeing for some time.

You can hear you soul calling, pulling you in the direction of unity, it is light and pure and it feels good on a level you can’t put into words, yet the heavy shroud of fear and conditioning pulls you back towards duality. You can break free and the shift this morning is helping you do just that, so ride the energy wave baby and choose unity.  

The period between now and next Wednesday is just awesome for processing, as all your wounds will be out for you to see and the energy supports facing your darker hidden sides and releasing it. 

For those who have been processing since the last full moon you will see the big shifts you have experienced in all their glory. You will reap the rewards of your hard work, so enjoy.

This is a time of reaping what you have sown in all aspects and karma will be playing a big part in your life over the next week, karmic debts will be revisited and repaid. This is fantastic, you may get a hugely rewarding karmic repayment or you may get a bit of knock either way this karmic debt is settled and that is a good thing, It’s like getting a clean slate.

The more integrity impeccability and compassion that you hold, the higher the vibrational frequency you have, therefore you are creating high vibrational karma, also any low vibrational karma from your past that comes back to you will have less of an impact.

There is a lot going on energetically over the next week and it is going to effect everyone differently, how it effects you will point you to what you need to do. 

If you have any questions please do get in touch

Love and laughter Michele xx

pic: Unity Energy of Dharma

Synchronicities go beyond a coincidence and are a sign of our move into Unity

The increase in signs and synchronicities in your life signal two things, firstly your widening conscious awareness and secondly our move from the duality paradigm to the unity paradigm.

Synchronicities go beyond coincidences and can be defined as:

1. the quality or fact of being synchronous

2. the coincidental occurrence of events and especially psychic events (such as similar thoughts in widely separated persons or a mental image of an unexpected event before it happens) that seem related but are not explained by conventional mechanisms of causality —used especially in the psychology of C. G. Jung

Understanding that we are all connected and we have the ability to access all information and events will give you a greater appreciation of what signs and synchronicities really are and how they can help you.

So what are synchronicities – they are 2 or more unrelated events that are seemingly connected and they have an underlying significance to you. The wider your conscious awareness the more connections and links you will make and the greater your understanding of what these synchronicities mean for you and your journey through life.

An example of synchronicity in your life may go something like this:
You are considering a new job on a cruise ship but are unsure whether to quit your current job and take that leap of faith. Later that day two tickets to the movie Titanic land on your desk, I am sailing comes on the radio and a friend posts on facebook their dream …which is to buy a boat and travel the world.
These events would mean different things to different people and it is your consciousness, your thoughts that move this from a coincidence into a sign, what does this mean to you, what is it telling you, or guiding you to see.
We can use signs all the time to help us with the decisions we have to make and we can ask for them. If I am unsure of a direction I need to take I will ask in my morning meditation to give me a sign that I am on the right track and it doesn’t take long before I am shown.

So are signs interventions from the world of spirit? Is it our loved ones coming back to give us a helping hand? I don’t know.

Is it our own unconscious guiding us, there are so many things we do not consciously notice or process until they have meaning for us, for example, you may never notice a pregnant woman until you are pregnant or desire to be so and then you see pregnant women everywhere? – maybe

Whatever it is and wherever it comes from doesn’t really matter right now, they help me greatly in my life. Interpreting these signs helps me expand my conscious awareness further making seemingly random connections.
It helps me to keep my own sovereignty, I keep my own counsel, staying sure and strong, I seek my own confirmations and validations rather than going to others.

If you have questions throw it out there, ask for a sign and then keep your eyes open, they will come thick and fast, the key is learning to interpret what it means for you.

Synchronicities can come in a variety of ways, dreams, thoughts, songs, conversations, slogans on a T shirt, company logos or signs. However, it comes it will have meaning for you.

The important thing is to see these as signs and synchronicities rather than dismissing them as a coincidence and quickly moving on, these are messages for you and they will help you live a more harmonious and empowered life.

As we move towards the full moon next Sunday, synchronicities are going to reach another level in your life, everyone is being urged to make use of this awesome connection. It may even take a surreal quality during the weekend of the full moon with signs jumping out all over the place.

We may not fully understand it but does that matter, do we need to? Sometimes it is enough to know that it helps us!

Seeing and acting upon Synchronicities is another tool in your Tool Kit, so use it. If you had a flat you wouldn’t discard the jack in your boot/trunk and try to cobble something together yourself out of twigs and stones, would you?
So next time something “crazy, spooky weird or coincidental” happens in your life see it as a sign and dig a bit deeper, what does this mean for you, what is this sign telling you.

Keep a journal as you will be amazed how these add up and how on reflection you will see a clear sign.

Share on here, we would love to hear all the crazy signs in your life!

Have a fabulous day

Please feel free to share my posts it would help a lot
If you would like to receive these articles directly into your inbox each morning, please send me your email address
Love and laughter Michele Blatchford
#reachingunity #signs #synchronicity #messages
Photo by Tim Mossholder from Pexels

Ask For Divine Guidance


Besides the spiritual side of life there is also the practical side of life. Though both are entwined, they are quite different in nature and approach. We have separated the two for a long time so it can be difficult and make you feel a little uneasy trying to bring the two together. However using your spiritual understanding and connection in all aspects of your life is incredibly rewarding.

People who are spiritually aware will always try to seek out divine revelations or interventions in whatever situation they are a part of. The general perception is, if there is divine intervention then the possibility of any negative presence will be eliminated or controlled and all will be well. Being aware of the bigger picture and the spiritual guidance that is on hand to help, brings a feeling of calm assuredness.

Ask For Help

Some of the questions that can be asked to gain spiritual guidance are as follows:

  • Is this in harmony with my highest good?
  • I am acting with Compassion/Honesty?
  • Is it in alignment with my Dharma?
  • Am I being prompted to act?
  • Is this the right path for me?
  • Is there something I need to see?  

There is a lot of vagueness and hesitation when embarking on something new, especially if there are a lot of risks involved. Being at peace is a very important feature to have to ensure the smoothness of the situation in question. 

By practicing the mindset that constantly seeks divine guidance; some of the above hesitations based on the questions can be addressed and answered effectively and clearly. However these answers for guidance can only be gotten when there is a spiritual link that is very strong and sincere. Time in meditation and contemplation will strengthen your spiritual connection bringing a stillness of mind that enables you to not only hear the guidance but to trust in it.

Most teaching encourage seeking divine guidance for everything in life be it big or small, important or otherwise. When this habit is formed due to frequent practice, the body, and mind become in tuned with the spiritual inner self and thus drawing from this will be easier. Your life will expand in extraordinary ways and you will never feel alone again.

Spiritual guidance is the same but how it is presented to each individual is different, as we covered in a previous section, some people will speak or receive guidance from their higher selves for others they may be connected to angels, Gods or saints. It is the message and the connection that is important not the vehicle it arrives in, although saying that, the relationship and connection you develop with your spiritual guide is very important indeed.

To help you with this is I will be sharing with you the basics of spiritual living, over the next few days, which will lead us nicely to the New Moon, which is the next level up point in this rather fabulous year.

I will be posting daily so please do check back to this page as I often don’t show up in your news feed. Also please feel free to share with friends.

Have a fabulous day

Love and Laughter Michele 🧚‍♀️🌼

Head over to my website and check out the Reaching Unity Section, where you will discover a whole site dedicated to your personal development

If you are serious about your personal development, Unlock the Potential of You course will certainly fast track your growth.

You can learn more here…..

#spirituality #spiritualpath #consciousness #consciousawareness #wellbeing #woke #personaldevelopment #reachingunity #emotionalbalance #mentalhealth #balance #happiness #lifepath #reachingunity #micheleelizabeth

Being more aware of your energy could significantly improve your relationship

We dream of the perfect relationship living happily every after and skipping off into the sunset hand in hand, life isn’t quite like that but every relationship has that see of possibility

They are the ones that leave us broken and desperate so that we have no choice but to dig deep and bring out that eternal spirit within us that will always survive.

They are the ones who reflect back to us our own issues in an intense and up close way.

They are the ones that will push us to our limits so that we can see that we are actually limitless. We come into each others lives with the greatest gifts

Any relationship is tough as you have two individual souls, walking their own paths, fighting their own demons, with their own needs and desires who decide to come together and merge their lives. This rarely happens instead it creates an unconscious battle of who’s life takes priority, of who’s needs are more important.

Often it is the most manipulative or aggressive whose needs take priority. Sadly this is a pattern that soon becomes ingrained and the relationship is doomed.

You can however create a more balanced harmonious and respectful relationship if you just bear 3 things in mind. Energy, Space & Responsibility. 

A great balanced relationship can lift you up way beyond what you can achieve alone, it can inspire, empower and heal, it can bring laughter and joy, comfort and assurance

Over the years working with couples I came to see the huge benefits of Couples Signing Energy Contracts with each other. This helps bring into both partners conscious awareness their own responsibilities to the relationship but also the journey they are both on and learning to respect that in each other.

I am giving this to you for free because if you are willing to put in the work, this could transform your relationships 

If you are already on my mailing list you don’t need to do anything as I will be sending it to you tomorrow

If you are not on my list and would like this Energy Contract PDF then please sign up below

#energycontract #energyawareness #consciousliving #balance #relationships #working it out together #worththeeffort #respect

Are you aware of the energy and attitude you bring to your relationship?

An energy contract between couples is a fabulous way for both parties to bring their attention and awareness to the energy they bring into the home and the relationship. It makes them more self aware and helps to take responsibility for their part in the creation of hostility or harmony.

It also helps bring awareness to the experience of the other, encouraging compassion and understanding. It also creates more respect for each other, becoming more aware that although you may be going through some stuff, so are they and a little space is sometimes needed. Just because a couple may need some time on their own does not mean the relationship is breaking down, it can mean the opposite that they are strong enough to realise that they are two individuals who need to get their own stuff in order before they can bring their best game to the relationship.

Working on yourself and your journey of awareness and self development is tough and even harder when you are in a relationship, energy contracts bring both parties awareness to this and help create a more supportive and rewarding relationship.

When our relationships get into trouble we can be so fixated on what we are not getting and how our partner is in the wrong that we fail to see how we are 50% of this dynamic and therefore there are things we can do to help change this and that usually starts with awareness and compassion.

Even if your partner is not into “energy” they can still understand this contract, as it is about giving each other the respect and space they need, whilst taking responsibility for your own issues and attitude.

Over the years working with couples in therapy I have found this energy contract to work well in creating new enlightened relationships, if both parties are willing that is.

If you are already on my mailing list you don’t need to do anything as I will be sending it to you tomorrow

If you are not on my list and would like this Energy Contract PDF then please sign up below

#energycontract #energyawareness #consciousliving #balance #relationships #working it out together #worththeeffort #respect #unconditionallove

The Unity Energy of Humility will help you gain perspective and appreciation within your relationships this week

The energy of the  Full Moon on Friday is bringing the imbalances and polarities within our relationships into sharp focus. This energy has the potential to bring about great transformations, helping us to create healthy happy harmonious and fulfilling relationships.

However to get there we have to face these imbalances and that is not always easy. Unity energy is perfect to help you with this, helping you to reach emotional balance and mental clarity, it is a pure consistent heart energy that can elevate you to higher ways of thinking and being. 

This week the Unity energies of Compassion and Humility will help you see the bigger picture gaining an understanding of other peoples points of view, needs and desires as well as your own. 

Today we will focus on Humility, Compassion was posted on Monday.

Humility – the image was created using the energy of Humility and is one of 39 Energy Cards featured in the Reaching Unity Game and Card Set

This is an excerpt from the Game and Card Set Description Book

Gaze at the image and allow the energy to wash over you as you reflect on the information in the excerpt. Allow yourself the time to realise how this energy will help you, thoughts images memories and feelings will come to you if you give yourself permission to receive.

Humility – Excerpt from Reaching Unity Description 

“The unity energy of humility is soft and gentle, yet with great power to balance and transform. Having more humility within yourself and your life allows you to step back and bring yourself back down to earth, grounding yourself in the now which in turn helps you to see the bigger picture from a more open and gracious perspective.

Being humble is often defined as being meek, submissive, weak or shy but the opposite is true, it brings great strength as you are able to shed the dominance of the mind and the duality condition which focuses on the need to be right, winning, in control and dominant.

To embody the energy of humility means that you are free from arrogance, foolish pride and pretentiousness. You are able to pull yourself back to the core of you, to the purity of your soul, understanding both your importance and your insignificance. It allows you to quieten the external noise, the clamour for recognition and power and to go within and it is from here that you can balance your inner and external power. 

Humility also helps you to balance the power of your will, too often we can get mentally stuck on a solution or direction and push forward with the sheer determination of our will, even when all the signs are telling us to try another direction. Humility allows you to be open to the possibility that your way is not the only way and it helps you to listen more than you speak.

The energy of Humility helps you to stop and recentre, bringing your awareness and appreciation back to the present moment, it is the little moments, those spaces in between that will make your heart sing, bringing joy and clarity to your life.

Humility will shift your awareness and perspective if you allow it, we are often so focused on what is out there, making our mark on the world and seeing our successes and dreams reflected back at us that we have forgotten that our real power and our true reality is within.”

#reachingunity #fullmoon #humility #unityenergy #growth #emotionalbalance #relationships #love #honesty #wisdom #understanding #consciousawareness